The God Who Raised Jesus from the Dead

Stanley Hauerwas (Duke University) has written a fine article on who God is – or the limits by which we know Him as Christians. I studied under Hauerwas when I was a grad student at Duke and have often found him clarifying on things that should be clear (but often are not). In the article he quotes the Lutheran Theologian Robert Jensen who is also an acquaintance and a theologian of substance.

It is all too common that our culture uses the word “God” and thinks it knows what it means. Hauerwas does an excellent job of demonstrating what that name means for Christians and how it should be used carefully. There are many “gods” within our culture, all referred to be the same name. Christians only believe in one of them – the God manifest to us in Jesus Christ. This is not the same thing as the “God of my understanding,” much less the “God of the philosophers.” To know the one true God as He has truly made Himself known, is to be changed. He is a God who saves me – I do not save Him. His name is not a place-marker for certain cultural values – such gods are but mere idols.

O God make speed to save us, O Lord make haste to help us!

About Fr. Stephen Freeman

Fr. Stephen is a retired Archpriest of the Orthodox Church in America, Pastor Emeritus of St. Anne Orthodox Church in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. He is also author of Everywhere Present: Christianity in a One-Storey Universe, and Face to Face: Knowing God Beyond Our Shame, as well as the Glory to God podcast series on Ancient Faith Radio.





11 responses to “The God Who Raised Jesus from the Dead”

  1. Robert Avatar

    Thank you Fr. Stephen for the link to that article. A quick perusal at the comments there and it appears the “controversy” continues. The “debates” with atheists are seemingly without end.

    On another note, I am not sure if Hauerwas does the issue justice. For truly God as “Other” remains and shall always remain unnamed. It is God as the Other, the Creator, the Unoriginate against Whom the atheists make their argument.

  2. fatherstephen Avatar

    Robert, I agree. There is much that is of value in Hauerwas and Jensen – but neither are as apophatic as I would like – an apophaticism that finds its proper expression in Hesychasm (the ascetical life of the Church).

  3. Troy Avatar

    Thanks for the article, Fr. Stephen. I’m an undergrad at Duke and considering auditing a class with Hauerwas next semester. Would you recommend him?

  4. Darrell Lahay Avatar
    Darrell Lahay


  5. Yannis Avatar

    I was always struck by the deep irony of the inscription “in God we trust” on a monetary bill.

    Its good to know that others can see that as well.

  6. Steven Clark Avatar

    is part of this blog missing?

  7. fatherstephen Avatar

    If you follow the link embedded in the article – then it will make more sense.

  8. Matthew Avatar

    So many like Profs. Hauerwas and Jensen are so near the Spirit of Orthodoxy yet remain willingly just out of its reach.

  9. Micah Avatar

    “He is the God who saves me – I do not save Him”

    What a relief, amen!!!

  10. Byzantine Jewess Avatar

    I’m curious, Matthew, why do you say “willingly?” Because they are informed of the existence of Orthodoxy, or something more?

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