Memory Eternal

dscf0018A personal note:

I received news this evening (September 14) of the falling asleep of my mother, Nancy Freeman, in her home in South Carolina. Her passing was peaceful and marked with words of love.

My heart is very full. Earlier today I had given thanks for this 5th anniversary of my parents’ reception into the Orthodox faith. It seems significant to me that on this date my mother is now received into the heart’s true home. May her memory be eternal!

I am grateful for the many kind words that readers have shared with me over the past couple of years. I would ask that you remember my mother in your prayers. I would take it as a great kindness, indeed.

About Fr. Stephen Freeman

Fr. Stephen is a retired Archpriest of the Orthodox Church in America. He is also author of Everywhere Present: Christianity in a One-Storey Universe, and Face to Face: Knowing God Beyond Our Shame, as well as the Glory to God podcast series on Ancient Faith Radio.





127 responses to “Memory Eternal”

  1. fatherstephen Avatar

    Photo: My parents, Jim and Nancy, being received into the Orthodox Faith on September 14, 2004.

  2. Dean Arnold Avatar
    Dean Arnold

    Bringing your parents into the fullness of the faith. You should be very proud.

    My prayers go with you during this very sensitive and emotional time.

  3. Brandon Avatar

    Lord, have mercy.

    Memory eternal!

  4. David Avatar

    Our prayers for her and for you and your family. Memory eternal.

    May those of us who continue to witness to our families be given the needed portion of Spirit.

  5. Darla Avatar

    What a precious story; thank you for sharing it and the photo with us. May your mother’s memory be eternal.

  6. Jakub Avatar

    May she rest in peace, may her memory be eternal…

  7. William Avatar

    May your mother’s memory be eternal, and may God’s grace be with you and your family.

  8. yeamlak fitur Avatar
    yeamlak fitur

    Memory Eternal Father!

    Wow! what a story when parents come back to their child’s Faith, when you see around and sometimes kids drifting away from their parent’s Faith.

  9. Ruth Avatar

    Memory Eternal!

  10. Sally D Avatar
    Sally D

    May the Lord bless her and keep her, and now that His face shines upon her without shadow, may she be filled with joy and delight.

    May you and all you love be comforted and held in the Father’s loving arms.

  11. Irenaeus of New York Avatar
    Irenaeus of New York

    I am sorry for your loss. May she rest in peace.

  12. Pr. Dorin Avatar

    Dumnezeu să o ierte!

    Veșnică să fie pomenirea ei!

    Și pe Sfinția voastră, Părinte Ștefane, Domnul să vă întărească întru toate!

  13. zoe Avatar

    Father Stephen,

    May your mother’s memory be eternal. Our prayers are with you and your family. Lord have mercy.

  14. davidperi Avatar

    The passing of a believing mother or father into the Lord´s eternity can bring unbelievable joy to one´s spirit.

  15. Iuliana Avatar

    Mat God receive your mother with bis saints in His Kingdom! Dumnezeu s-o odihneasca in pace!

  16. Guy (Theodotus) Avatar
    Guy (Theodotus)

    Memory Eternal! Grant to your servant, O Lord, blessed repose and eternal memory.

  17. Fr Joseph Huneycutt Avatar

    May God grant her rest with the Saints — and you and yours long life.

    Memory Eternal!

    Prayers assured.

  18. Christine Kimel Avatar
    Christine Kimel

    Fr. Stephen,
    I will remember her in my prayers. May God grant you and Beth ease in your grief.

  19. alyssasophia Avatar

    Fr. Stephen,

    That is a wonderful “coincidence” that your mother fell asleep in the Lord on the anniversary of her reception into the church, and on the Feast of the Elevation of the Cross! My prayers are with your mother, and all of your family.

    Vyechnaya Pamyat

    Love from DC,
    Alyssa Sophia

  20. Margaret Avatar

    Memory Eternal!
    Thank you for the opportunity to pray for your family, Fr. Stephen!
    May God continue to bless all of you!

  21. Deb Avatar

    Memory Eternal. prayers for your father and family.

  22. Josh Avatar

    +Memory Eternal!+

  23. Cameron Avatar

    May her memory be eternal. I will pray.

  24. Elizabeth Avatar

    Memory Eternal !

    May your memories of her always be a blessing to you…..God grant you comfort.

  25. J.D. Avatar

    May God grant her eternal rest as she sleeps in the Lord. May God bless and comfort all of the Freeman family.

  26. Anastasia Theodoridis Avatar

    Memory eternal!

    May it be a large comfort to you, knowing she was Orthodox.

    My husband and I offer our prayers for her and you.

  27. Marilyn Adams Fish Avatar
    Marilyn Adams Fish

    I have many memories of your Mother, Father and Granny & Poppa Freeman. We love you all so very much. You will all be in our prayers!

  28. Karen Avatar

    May her memory be eternal!

    “As for me, I shall behold Your face in righteousness; when I awake, I shall be satisfied when Your glory appears.” (Psalm 16:15)

  29. shelly Avatar

    Memory eternal !
    Prayers for you and the family. Please have a safe trip.


  30. Stephen Avatar

    Prayers….. Memory eternal! I am thankful for her guidance and prayers, which has allowed you to bless others with your own life and gentle teaching.

  31. Clint Avatar

    Memory Eternal!

  32. jamesthethickheaded Avatar

    Memory eternal!
    Prayers for her especially, for your father, for you and all your family.

  33. Dn Charles Avatar

    May she rest with the Saints in God’s Kingdom.
    May her memory be eternal!

  34. mic Avatar

    May her memory be eternal! Prayers indeed for your family, and all the more for your dad, God grant you all peace, joy, and comfort. Lord have mercy!


  35. FrGregACCA Avatar
  36. elizabeth Avatar

    Memory Eternal! My small prayers for her and for your loss.

    Rejoicing in the beauty of God’s timing to bring her home in His Church on earth and in heaven…

    I will light a candle in church for her and for you, dear Father.

  37. John Avatar

    I am truly sorry. You have my sincere sympathy.

  38. katia Avatar

    Lord have mercy+

    Memory Eternal!

  39. Mary Avatar

    May God grant her rest with the saints, and make her memory to be eternal. Prayers for her, and for you and your family, Father Stephen.

  40. alex Avatar

    Memory Eternal

  41. Steve Avatar

    May the Lord bless you Fr. Stephen.

  42. Sean Avatar

    Αιωνία η μνήμη αυτής.

  43. irishanglican Avatar

    Yes mate, I know this loss too myself (last month the 13th, for my mother, RIP). May your mother be at peace & rest, in the “everlasting arms”!
    Fr. Robert (Anglican)

  44. Rdr. Stephen Avatar
    Rdr. Stephen

    Father Stephen,

    We were sorry to hear of your loss. May her memory be eternal!

    Rdr. Stephen

  45. Matthew Redard Avatar
    Matthew Redard

    Memory eternal!

  46. handmaid anna Avatar
    handmaid anna

    Memory eternal!

  47. Lena Avatar

    Dear Father Stephen!

    Memory eternal to your mother!

    I want thank her from the bottom of my heart :She helped Lord to bring you to us. The best reward a mother can have in this world – to leave behind to the world wonderful people – her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. She is blessed.

    (Please, forgive my clumsy English)

    Vechnaya pamyat

  48. Lucy Avatar

    Memory Eternal!

  49. Wonders for Oyarsa Avatar

    Luke 11:27

    Memory Eternal!

  50. Mimi Avatar

    Father, bless.

    My prayers for you and your family during this difficult time, and Memory Eternal for your mother.

  51. Phil Avatar

    Memory eternal! God bless you and your family, Father.

  52. anthony Avatar

    Memory eternal!

  53. Darlene Avatar

    Father Stephen,

    You and your family will be in my prayers and thoughts. May our Lord make His face to shine upon you and your mother and give her peace as now she sees Jesus face to face.

    In Christ’s Love,


  54. Lizzy L Avatar
    Lizzy L

    May light perpetual shine upon her, and may she see the face of God. May you and all who loved her find comfort and solace in grief.

  55. jw Avatar

    May her memory be eternal!

  56. Sanna Avatar

    Memory eternal! You and they are in my prayers.

    xxx Marigold

  57. Alexander Avatar

    Father, praying and will pray with children tonight. Memory eternal! +

  58. Sanna Avatar

    Memory eternal! You and they are in my prayers.



  59. David Avatar

    Memory eternal!

  60. Rebecca Avatar

    Father Stephen,

    Clumsily put, but heartfelt nonetheless: God’s love and grace will light her path, of this I have no doubt. Her love and grace brought you to us, and we owe her a debt for the light you share with us.

    Blessings and love to you and yours, Father.

    Memory Eternal.

  61. Cheryl Avatar

    Memory eternal. My prayers are with you and your family.

  62. Katrina Avatar

    Memory Eternal!

  63. John Maddex Avatar
    John Maddex

    One is never ready to lose a loved one. Please know we care and our prayers are with you.

  64. Dana Ames Avatar
    Dana Ames

    Memory eternal. Praying for you & your family.


  65. Ron Avatar

    + Memory Eternal +
    I lost my mother last November. It is not an easy thing. Lord have mercy.

  66. Damaris Avatar

    May God bless and comfort all of you and welcome her to the bliss of seeing Him face to face.

  67. MichaelPatrick Avatar

    May her memory be eternal. We know she is dear to her God and our hope. Christ is risen!

  68. Sarah Hodges Avatar
    Sarah Hodges


  69. Sea of Sin Avatar

    May her memory be eternal!

  70. Scott Avatar

    Memory Eternal!

  71. Brantley Thomas Avatar
    Brantley Thomas

    Memory Eternal!

  72. JLB Avatar

    Memory Eternal. 🙂

  73. James of Portland Avatar
    James of Portland

    You have lifted many of us, Father, during difficult times. May God so lift you!

  74. Ad Orientem Avatar

    May her memory be eternal!

    Please accept my deepest sympathies on your loss.

    Yours in ICXC

  75. Allen Long Avatar
    Allen Long

    Fr. Stephen,

    Memory eternal!

  76. JD Avatar

    So sorry to hear about your loss.

    Father Stephen, I’m sure you have a lot of things to take care of at the moment, but please, take special care of yourself.

  77. Moses Avatar

    Memory Eternal! 🙂

  78. Michael Avatar

    Memory Eternal!

  79. Patty Joanna Avatar
    Patty Joanna

    Memory eternal. And sorrow at your temporal loss.

  80. John Avatar

    Memory eternal!

  81. miha1981 Avatar

    Vechnaya pamyat!

  82. Fr Titus Avatar

    Memory Eternal. Peace and comfort to you and yours.

  83. Дејан Avatar

    When my grandmother died, I was sleeping and I had a dream of a big green valley with immense sunshine all over, which gave me consolation when I woke up and heard the sad news. When righteous, God-loving and selfless people pass away to the eternity, we inexplicably feel the presence of denizens of the higher worlds as palpable peace-revealing-reality in our hearts. It is said that mother gives the child wisdom of heart, while father gives him wisdom of mind. My deepest gratitude to your mother for preparing your heart in your childhood years to be receptive for God’s Grace. Memory еternal!

  84. Fr Nicholas Avatar

    Dear Fr. Stephen,

    Allow me to add my condolences and prayers to those of everyone else. I lost my beloved mother two years ago and do understand what you must be going through. Without a doubt there is great comfort in the fact of her godly death and no fear for of her eternal destination, but the hole she leaves behind will be aching for a long time. May God’s own mother give you comfort. We have placed her on our monastery commemoration list and will remember her during these 40 days. Memory eternal!

    +Fr. Nicholas and the brothers with me
    St. Theodore House
    Galion OH

  85. Matushka Elizabeth Perdomo Avatar

    Memory Eternal, Father! You are in our hearts and prayers here in S. Texas. Our love to all of you.

  86. anonymousgodblogger Avatar

    “‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul, ‘Therefore I hope in Him!’”

    Peace to you, your mother, and all of your family, as you go through this relational transition from seen to unseen. Memory eternal, truly.

  87. Rdr Daniel Drobish Avatar
    Rdr Daniel Drobish

    Reverend Father, may her memory be eternal!

  88. maryc Avatar

    My prayers join with all your seen and unseen flock Fr Stephen, as we ask for our Lord to keep you and yours in His care.

    What a legacy indeed your blessed mother left for all of us.

    What comfort for us weak believers when our Lord gives us such beautiful reassurance as her passing on His special feast.

    May our Lord rest her soul and grant you all peace and comfort.

    May her memory be eternal.

  89. oruaseht Avatar

    Father Stephen,
    Christ is Risen! May you be comforted with the blessed hope of the Resurrection of all flesh as you mourn in hope.

    Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, 26 and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” 27 She said to him, “Yes, Lord; I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world.” ~ St. John 11:25-27

  90. Nicholas Avatar

    Memory Eternal !

  91. eleftheria Avatar

    Memory Eternal!

  92. Tyler Avatar

    Requiescat in pace domini nostri

  93. Fr. Carlos Avatar

    ¡Que su memoria sea eterna!

  94. Phil Avatar

    Fr. Stephen,

    I will certainly remember you and your mother in my prayers.

    May her memory be eternal!

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