St. John of the Ladder wrote:
Every free creature lives in God. God is everyone’s salvation. God loves believers and unbelievers, the just and the unjust, the pious and the impious, those free of passions and those subject to passions, monks and those living worldly lives, the educated and the illiterate, the healthy and the sick, the young and the old. God is like an outpouring of light, a glimpse of the sun, or changes in the weather. God touches everyone, without exception, through these things.
Abba Zeno told us:
If you want God to hear your prayer when you stand, stretching out your hands toward God, you must sincerely begin by praying for your enemies. When you do this, God will respect all your requests.
Apparently, when we pray for our enemies, our prayer becomes like an outpouring of light, a glimpse of the sun, or changes in the weather. It becomes good without exception.
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