Christos Voskrese! (Christ is Risen)

This delightful youtube video was shared in comments yesterday. I thought it worth posting up front. Our reader Dejan has offered a translation in the comments. The words are from a poem by St. Nikolai Velimirovich who served for a time as the Rector of St. Tikhon’s Seminary – truly one of the great Serbian saints of the modern era. Please ignore the “automatically generated” stuff, I don’t know enough about it’s appearance to make it disappear.


People rejoice, nations hear:
Christ is risen, and brings the joy!
Stars dance, mounts sing:
Christ is risen, and brings the joy!
Forests murmur, winds hum:
Christ is risen, and brings the joy!
Seas bow*, animals roar:
Christ is risen, and brings the joy!
Bees swarm, and the birds sing:
Christ is risen, and brings the joy!

Angels stand, triple the song:
Christ is risen, and brings the joy!
Sky humble yourself, and elevate the earth:
Christ is risen, and brings the joy!
Bells chime, and tell to all:
Christ is risen, and brings the joy!
Glory to You God, everything is possible to You,
Christ is risen, and brings the joy!

About Fr. Stephen Freeman

Fr. Stephen is a retired Archpriest of the Orthodox Church in America, Pastor Emeritus of St. Anne Orthodox Church in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. He is also author of Everywhere Present: Christianity in a One-Storey Universe, and Face to Face: Knowing God Beyond Our Shame, as well as the Glory to God podcast series on Ancient Faith Radio.



41 responses to “Christos Voskrese! (Christ is Risen)”

  1. Mary Avatar

    I recognize the presence of Serbian diva, Divna Ljubojevic, in this video. A truly remarkable daughter of the Church, whose amazing talent was first recognized by Mother Angelica of Vavedenje Monastery in Belgrade. With a concert quality voice that transcends performance in its emotive delivery of true piety, she has devoted her gift to traditional Byzantine chant.

    Count me a “groupie.”

    Cristos vaskres!

  2. John Martin Avatar

    Since in my parish there is a prominent Serbian presence, I’ve developed quite an affection for the Serbian people. And, judging from today’s Pascha picnic, I can tell you that those Serbs really know how to dance! Hristos voskrese!

  3. Дејан Avatar

    Thank you Father Stephen for posting this video in blog. Poem is written by St. Nikolaj Velimirović. Now I feel inspired to translate words from Serbian to English. My English is not good enough, but still I feel great inspiration to share the joy of this song with the readers of the blog.

    People rejoice, nations hear:
    Christ is risen, and brings the joy!
    Stars dance, mounts sing:
    Christ is risen, and brings the joy!
    Forests murmur, winds hum:
    Christ is risen, and brings the joy!
    Seas bow*, animals roar:
    Christ is risen, and brings the joy!
    Bees swarm, and the birds sing:
    Christ is risen, and brings the joy!

    Angels stand, triple the song:
    Christ is risen, and brings the joy!
    Sky humble yourself, and elevate the earth:
    Christ is risen, and brings the joy!
    Bells chime, and tell to all:
    Christ is risen, and brings the joy!
    Glory to You God, everything is possible to You,
    Christ is risen, and brings the joy!


    *Bow, in this context means, managing the bow in playing a stringed instrument. “Radost donese” means that Christ has brought the joy when He is risen, and that fact brings us joy ever since – so I used Present Simple Tense, and translated as “and brings the joy!” I hope it is grammatically correct. If anyone knows Serbian, and can translate this poem more correctly, please do, I am not an expert with languages, I just wanted to share the joy.

    @John, Vaistinu voskrese! Thanks for kind words about Serbian people. America is always in the heart of Serbia – Nikola Tesla, Michael Pupin and St. Nikolaj Velimirović lived and worked in USA.

  4. fatherstephen Avatar


    Be assured of the deep affection that the Orthodox in America hold for our brothers and sisters in Serbia. May God protect you and allow you to continue such powerful witnesses to the joy of Christ as is found in this small video

  5. athenivandx Avatar

    Christos Voskrese/Christos Anesti/Christ is Risen!

  6. […] P.S…this is an effervescent depiction of the joy that crosses language, enthic, and global lines…watch and enjoy. Share and Enjoy:These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]

  7. Дејан Avatar


    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

    My heart humbly bows to the greatness of Orthodox American Heart!

    Serbia is now passing through difficult times, but we have to dive deep in our prayers and find the ever-nourishing Peace that our Lord gave, Peace that is not of this world.

    “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27

  8. Дејан Avatar


    Thank you for your kind words about Divna Ljubojević. I have two beautiful songs by her for you. Here are the links:

    Christos Anesti – Christ is Risen

    Axion Estin, Kyrie Eleison

  9. Katrina Avatar

    This is how I feel today!! Just so joyous!!

    This song can be found in English sung by the nuns of St. Paisius Monastery in Safford, AZ. It’s on their CD “A Treasury of Spiritual Songs”. Their website is

    Christ God is Risen! Let us rejoice!

  10. Athanasius Avatar

    I like it even better now that I know what they’re singing. 🙂

    Christ is risen!

  11. fatherstephen Avatar

    Me, too. My Slavic language knowledge (Russian, Slavonic, Serbian, etc.) is just barely good enough that with the translation the words make sense. My enjoyment rose immensely when Dejan sent the translation – along with the fact that they are words written by St. Nikolai who is among my favorite saints.

  12. elizabeth Avatar

    Christ is Risen!

    Thank you Father for this. Here in Ottawa my church prays for Serbia during the liturgy, along with other suffering Christians…

    The video, towards the end, shows children holding an egg each and breaking it with the other person’s egg. During our Pasca post-basket blessing one of my beloved Romanian friends taught me how to hold the egg and break it with him holding another egg – If I remember correctly, the greeting, Christ is Risen is said and the other answers and the egg that breaks is the ‘winner’ and gets to eat the egg. It is wonderful to learn these traditional games and celebrations… the joy overflows!

    FYI, did you know that St. Nikolai wrote a catechism that has been translated into English? my priest here highly recommends it; _The Faith of the Saints: a Catechism_ published by the Bishop Nikolai Resource Center, 2001, 2005 edition published by Seraphim Press.

  13. Mary Avatar


    I discovered Divna last December and have two of her cds; Divna in Concert and the Glory of Byzantium. Amazing!

    Thanks for the links. I’ve viewed every think I can find on the Internet several times and bothered all my friends with emails and links to her work. I wish she would come to America. I can just imagine it!

    There is so much talent for song and dance among the Serbian people. We must all remember them to God and ask his mercy on them for what they are facing, almost as a sacrifice for all of Eastern Europe.

  14. Galahad Avatar

    Thank you for this wonderful song! And thanks, Дејан, for the translation! I really like your blog, it’s so peaceful here… 🙂 Hristos a inviat! ( Christ is risen! )

  15. Lawrence Avatar

    Great video! Thank you!

  16. Lucy Avatar

    What a beautiful video! I enjoyed it very much. Thank you for posting it!

  17. Дејан Avatar

    Dear brothers and sisters, my heart is all gratitude to you. Thank you so much!

    Father, my happiness is without parallel when I heard Serbian song on your august blog. I joyfully agree with Galahad – your blog is an oasis of peace in the web desert, a paradigm, bright example, how technology can be used to serve the Lord. And when technology is in true service to the Lord, then the same technology starts to emanate joy, peace, harmony and fragrance, like a morning flower.

    Katrina, could you kindly type in comments the English version of the song, that nuns are singing. I believe it is better translation
    than mine, because if they are singing it, it must have some special rhyming quality in it – as Serbian original does.

    To all who are unfamiliar with St. Nikolai Velimirovich I just wish to say that he completed two PhD-s (theology and philosophy)
    until he was just 29 years old. About ten years later he wrote “Prayers by the Lake”, where his vast intellectual knowledge blossomed into deeper wisdom enriching the very language forms in which it was written. Linguistically speaking, in my opinion, that book is a miracle.

  18. Carlyn Avatar

    We have been watching this video over and over again. It has brought us such joy.

    We’ve also been watching this video,

    Could someone please post the translation of the title of the song, “Slava tebje Gospodi”? This phrase has been running through my mind constantly since seeing the video and I’d love to know what it means.

  19. MuleChewingBriars Avatar

    Дејан, thank you for your participation here. I can tell you have a great heart. Please pray for us in America, and forgive us as much as you can. And thank you for this beautiful video

  20. fatherstephen Avatar


    Slava tebje Gospodi means Glory to Thee, O Lord.

  21. Carlyn Avatar

    Thank you, Father Stephen!

  22. MrsMutton Avatar

    I don’t think I have ever seen anything so completely joyous. Thank you, Father, for posting it! Thank you, Dejan, for translating it! And to Galahad: Adevarat a inviat! (My priest is Romanian, and taught me that.)

  23. Katrina Avatar


    Here you go!

    People rejoice, all nations listen:
    Christ God is risen! Let us rejoice!
    Dance all ye stars and sing all ye mountains:
    Christ God is risen! Let us rejoice!

    Whisper ye woods and blow all ye winds:
    Christ God is risen! Let us rejoice!
    O seas proclaim and roar all ye beasts:
    Christ God is risen! Let us rejoice!

    Buzz all ye bees and sing all ye birds:
    Christ God is risen! Let us rejoice!
    O little lambs rejoice and be merry:
    Christ God is risen! Let us rejoice!

    Nightengales joyous, lending your song:
    Christ God is risen! Let us rejoice!
    Ring, O ye bells, let everyone hear:
    Christ God is risen! Let us rejoice!

    All angels join us, singing this song:
    Christ God is risen! Let us rejoice!
    Come down ye heavens, draw near the earth:
    Christ God is risen! Let us rejoice!

    Glory to Thee, God Almighty!
    Christ God is risen! Let us rejoice!
    Glory to Thee, God Almighty!
    Christ God is risen! Let us rejoice!

  24. Дејан Avatar

    I like it very much…it is very poetic translation! This is the full version of the poem, I suppose, because in video there is no mention of lambs and nightingales. I like especially -Let us rejoice!- part, if we have to put the message of this whole song in one sentence, that would be it. He is bringing us joy, so let us rejoice, let us offer glory to Him in singing, and music, and dancing, and in whatever we know the best, and be happy – bees are the best in buzzing, and bells in ringing. It would be difficult for bees to ring, and for bells to buzz. If you watch the video carefully, you will notice the buzzing of bees (when children are singing zoom zoom zoom) and ringing the bells.

    So this song reminds us of a St. Paul’s message in Romans 12:5-6, when he said “so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.” Reading all these inspiring comments in this post, I clearly felt oneness in our hearts, and that we are “one body in Christ”, no matter to which nationality we belong. You all made my day profound, I humbly bow in gratitude. Hvala vam! (Thank you! in Serbian)

    Christ God is risen! Let us rejoice!

  25. Mary Avatar

    HVALA VAM! to you, Дејан!

  26. Fr. James Early Avatar

    I lived among the Bosnian Serbs for nearly four years in the late 90’s, and even then I saw signs of the revival of the Orthodox faith, especially among young people. This and other videos that I have seen recently (i.e. Andjeli Pevaju) have demonstrated to me that this renewal continues. It is encouraging to know that the beautiful Serbian people realize that their best hope for renewal as a nation lies in reclaiming their traditional identity as an Orthodox nation, rather than in trying to imitate the West. Nek Bog blagoslovi Srpski narod!

    Fr. James Early

  27. […] a translation of this delightful song, visit Fr. Stephen’s Glory to God for All Things. Posted in […]

  28. Mary Avatar

    Those who loved “Hristos voskrese” video will love this one about its production.

    Hristos voskrese_studio spot

  29. […] to Fr Stephen where there’s a translation of the […]

  30. LynneA Avatar

    I think that Dejan’s translation,
    Christ is risen and brings the joy
    is a better, richer translation than
    Christ is risen, let us rejoice

  31. fatherstephen Avatar
  32. Fr. James Early Avatar

    I showed this video to my wife last night, and the song has been going through my head all day today!

    Is it possible to get this song on CD? If so, from where?

  33. Дејан Avatar

    Father James,

    I saw CD on following site…perhaps you could write them email for more information.

    By the way, Andjeli pevaju is one of my favourite songs 🙂


    That is what they actually sing. Radost = joy. Doneti (donese) = to bring.

  34. Ksenia Avatar

    What about the fleas? I was thinking about them, since there are plenty here to remind me, that even they rejoice (though not always bring the joy to me). While I was reading the glory to God for All Things post for May 1 (very good post) I noticed a little shadow bouncing in front of my screen– a flea bouncing from my keyboard in front of the screen. That was one flea bringing the joy. I am not quite with St. Seraphim, yet, in feeling so sorry for the bugs I let them bite me, but I do want to wait until after Bright week to spray, now. They are still bouncing in front of the screen. “All creation rejoices…” –and besides, they know God more than I do, because they never sinned!

  35. Fr. James Early Avatar

    Hvala ti, Dejane! Ti si “da man!”

    Christos voskrese, Radost donese! (Still can’t get it out of my head!)

  36. Paul in ABQ Avatar

    I came here via Episcopal Dcn Ormonde Plater’s blog and the whole thread has been a blessing to me this rainy morning. I thank you one and all.

  37. Jaroslava Avatar

    This is so beautiful…. it truly touched me and tears flowed freely

  38. Mary Lowell Avatar
    Mary Lowell

    I am in direct contact with Divna Ljubojevic, whose Melodi Ensemble appears in the video Christos Voskrese (Easter orthodox song_Hristos voskrese), along with singers from the group, Stupovi. I proposed to Dinva that she come to the USA for a tour of concerts. She is very interested in the idea, but she asks that I locate a professional music management agency in this country on the order of what the ensemble uses throughout Europe. Hexaemeron is not a professional music management organization, which is what is needed to book events in major cities, manage logistics and dissemination of promotional material.

    Do you have any contacts who could assist me in bringing Divna here? I am reaching out to my contacts to see if anyone knows of a trusted (hopefully, Orthodox) music management team. I am convinced her Byzantine Liturgical music would have a profound impact on an American audience the way it has in France, Spain, Portugal, Russia, Greece and, of course, Serbia where she is considered a national treasure, for good reason!

    She is truly a remarkable daughter of the Church, whose amazing talent was first recognized by Mother Angelica of Vavedenje Monastery in Belgrade. With a concert quality voice that transcends performance in its emotive delivery of true piety, she has devoted her gift to traditional Byzantine chant.

    Any suggestions of who I can contact in this regard?


  39. Joe Avatar

    Dear Mary Lowell,
    If I were in the mangement business, I would most certainly produce a US tour for Ms. Ljubojevic and Melodi as I would be filled with awe to experience a live performance. Her voice and the singular voice of Melodi bring such calm and peace. It is my wish that their music would get “air time” here in the US. We can barely get CDs. I’ve been waiting on one from for nearly three months. I would so love to be able to take a Divna recording of Hristos Anesti with me on CD as I travel in my car. If she and Melodi should make it over here I would so hope that they would play close enough to where I live such that I may attend.

  40. johan_christo Avatar

    to fr stephen

    thanks you for your wodnerfull christmas song…i’m so blessed…christ is risen….

    Hristo vokrese….radost donese !


    greeting from chinese indonesian

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