All flattery, my friends, as Josef Pieper well taught us, is a form of manipulation. Mass flattery manipulates the soul of a culture. It drags a nation to hell.
A quote from Ochlophobist‘s May 19 posting.
The thought is worth slow contemplation. I am reminded of a tee-shirt (admittedly too cute) with the picture of a kitten in a basket. The caption on the shirt reads: “Where are we going? Why are we in this handbasket.”
One question for other bloggers out there. Everytime I go to an E Blogger site, everything directional, etc., is in Russian. I read some Russian but not enough. Is there a switch to read you guys comment apparatus in English? Or is this another Kremlin Plot? Sitting at someone’s website with my Russian dictionary in front of me is not my favorite web experience. If you can help, let me know.
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