Silence is Enough
Read more: Silence is EnoughFrom the Wisdom of the Desert Fathers A brother asked an old man, ‘If a brother tells me irrelevant things, do you advise me, abba, to ask him not to do so?’ The old man said he did not. Then the brother asked why, and the old man said, ‘Because we are not able to […]
An Orthodox Witness on NPR – Be Kind to Children
Read more: An Orthodox Witness on NPR – Be Kind to ChildrenI have no idea what you may personally think about spanking children. I was vehemently opposed to it when I was a child, but no one asked my opinion. All of my children are now too large to spank. Indeed, my son is larger than I am and could certainly take me out if the […]
Candlewax and Hedgehogs – Origins of Groundhog Day
Read more: Candlewax and Hedgehogs – Origins of Groundhog DayThis article, from an earlier parish newsletter is posted here by request. Candlewax and Hedgehogs—a peculiar way to entitle an article, I’ll admit. But both have their associations with the second day of February. The first is more important so we’ll begin there. The second day of February is one of the 12 great feasts, and […]
To Fulfill All Righteousness
Read more: To Fulfill All RighteousnessOn February 2nd, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple. The feast is also known as the “Meeting” focusing on the “meeting” with St. Simeon and the Prophetess Anna. Again, the feast is also called the “Purification” remembering that one important aspect of this 40-days after the birth of […]
Asceticism and Normalcy
Read more: Asceticism and NormalcyIt always seems to me that I run into two kind of people when it comes to ascetical labors. One person tries to do too much too soon, and quickly becomes disgusted with themself and thereafter does little. Another person does very little, out of fear, and again remains in the same position. Oddly, the […]
Finding Faith
Read more: Finding FaithTwo of my favorite modern Orthodox authors, Metropolitan Anthony Bloom and Fr. Sophrony Sakharov have a peculiarity in common that make them “work” for me. Both include in their personal stories their own search for God, including the confession of dealing with modern Atheism. I never personally became an Atheist – that was a faith […]
Conversion and the Return of our Humanity
Read more: Conversion and the Return of our HumanityMy wife and I returned last night for Detroit, Michigan, having attended and been part of a Colloquium on the Orthodox Faith, aimed primarily at Episcopalians and Anglicans. We met a wonderful group of people and were struck by the quality of the conversation that took place. I thought I would share a thought or […]
I Can’t Make It Without God
Read more: I Can’t Make It Without GodI introduced some of Tito Colliander’s Way of the Ascetics. I offer here the second chapter as well. I have been in Detroit, Michigan attending a conference and will return to the website on Tuesday evening if I’m not able to do any work in Detroit. May God bless. Chapter Two: ON THE INSUFFICIENCY OF HUMAN […]
Learning to Sin
Read more: Learning to SinAs strange as it sounds – human beings have to “learn to sin.” Not that we need any help doing the things that sinners do – all of that comes quite easily to us. But we have to learn that we are sinners – and this does not come easily to us. Oddly, I first […]
Fr. Stephen said: “We do well to remember that the outlets that call themselves “news” are always topsy-turvy. They should…