Hollywood Goes for the Jugular
Read more: Hollywood Goes for the JugularSometimes I can’t help myself – I simply have to comment. Larry King, commenting on the controversy raised by the Discovery Channel’s latest silliness – the bones of Jesus – asks the seminal question: “Can this be the end of the Easter Bunny?” Surely both East and West could get together and issue a joint […]
Some Modest Thoughts on the Atonement
Read more: Some Modest Thoughts on the AtonementThe doctrine of the Atonement, that is, the doctrine of how exactly it is that Christ has reconciled us to God, is a matter of much discussion. For some, particularly among conservative Protestants, the Atonement is defined by the model of the penal substitution (Christ bore the wrath of the Father that we deserved and […]
Sailing to Byzantium
Read more: Sailing to ByzantiumI recommend for your reading interests, a series on The Undercroft, which, thus far, is doing an excellent job of setting forth matters of the faith. Today he looks at Scripture and the Church. It’s a good read. I offer a short quote: Where, then, is the record of holy souls in the first centuries, […]
The Unplanned Life
Read more: The Unplanned LifeOne of the geniuses of modern life is the plan. It is certainly the case that if you have a company and a product, or whatever passes for those in these days, there is probably a plan to go with them. Occasionally you hear from Christians, “God has a plan for my life.” Several years […]
From Dostoevsky – Miracles
Read more: From Dostoevsky – MiraclesFrom Chapter 5 Elders …but it seems to me that Alyosha was even more of a realist than the rest of us. Oh, of coure, in the monastery he believed absolutely in miracles, but in my opinion miracles will never confound a realist. It is not miracles that bring a realist to faith. A true […]
Prayer and the Name of Jesus
Read more: Prayer and the Name of JesusFrom Archimandrite Sophrony’s On Prayer. The Name Jesus as knowledge, as ‘energy’ of God in relation to the world and as His proper Name, is ontologiclly bound up with Him. It is spiritual reality. Its sound can merge with its reality but not necessarily so. As a name it was given to many mortal men […]
Why People Become Orthodox
Read more: Why People Become OrthodoxNow this is indeed a presumptious title for a post – as if there were only one reason that people convert to the Orthodox faith. There are certainly many reasons, nuanced by the various personalities that come. And do they ever come! I was asked in Minneapolis, “What sort of Evangelism Events do you have […]
Thoughts on Dostoevsky
Read more: Thoughts on DostoevskyI have begun re-reading The Brothers Karamazov, this time in the translation by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky, which, I am told is a great improvement over earlier efforts. I readily confess to being a great fan of Dostoevsky and easily touched by his novels. I find an occasional brilliance in them that reveals the […]
News Media Loses Its Mind Yet Again – They’ll Believe Anything
Read more: News Media Loses Its Mind Yet Again – They’ll Believe AnythingRoughly paraphrasing G.K. Chesterton: “When a man ceases to believe in God, it’s not so much that he believes in nothing, as it is he is willing to believe in anything.” Proving this maxim once again, the media have given splash to a completely discredited discovery of the “bones” of Jesus (including an assumption that […]
It’s Not Just the Details, It’s Not Just the Particulars, It’s Something Personal
Read more: It’s Not Just the Details, It’s Not Just the Particulars, It’s Something PersonalI have long been intrigued with the notion of our common responsibility, or rather, that I am responsible for the sins of the whole world. I think I first came across the notion in a quote from the Elder Zossima in The Brothers Karamazov. And even there, Dostoevsky was only putting on the lips of […]
Fr. Stephen said: “We do well to remember that the outlets that call themselves “news” are always topsy-turvy. They should…