The Struggle for Prayer
Read more: The Struggle for PrayerFr. Sophrony relates part of his struggle for prayer and the grace he received to help others. The passage is from On Prayer. …On more than one occasion I felt as if I were crucified on an invisible cross. This would happen on Mt. Athos when I got angry with those who vexed me. My […]
Bishop Hilarion Alfeyev on the Descent into Hades
Read more: Bishop Hilarion Alfeyev on the Descent into HadesThank you to LadyMacbeth for the lead to the following link. Bishop Alfeyev is an excellent source and worth reading! http://orthodoxeurope.org/page/11/1/5.aspx I commend him to you!
A Journey through the Heavens
Read more: A Journey through the HeavensNot to be too melodramatic, but I will be traveling today at about 20 to 30,000 feet to the city of Dallas, yes in a airplane., to meet with my Beloved Archbishop Dmitri and fellow Deans of the Diocese of the South. I have a post loaded alreday which should appear around noon. I’ll check […]
Carolina in my Mind
Read more: Carolina in my MindSome readers might appreciate the fact that I was born in South Carolina. For some other readers, I think especially of our Europeans and others across the internet globe, South Carolina means little. It is “Deep South” in the U.S., with its own distinctives. Perhaps one of its striking characteristics is that it has a […]
Reflections on Florovsky
Read more: Reflections on FlorovskyThe following is from my earlier post of Florovsky on Ecumenism: The entire western experience of temptation and fall must be creatively examined and transformed; all that “European melancholy” (as Dostoevsky termed it) and all those long centuries of creative history must be borne. Only such a compassionate co-experience provides a reliable path toward the […]
With Apologies to my Readers
Read more: With Apologies to my ReadersThere really are no shortcuts – even in something as trivial as a blog. My last two posts have been pulled – one a small quote from Fr. Sophrony, added last night before bedtime (because you have to add something), the other written today when I was not entirely certain of what I wanted to […]
The Ecumenical Vision of Fr. Georges Florovsky
Read more: The Ecumenical Vision of Fr. Georges FlorovskyFr. Georges Florovsky remains, in my mind, one of the most neglected of modern Orthodox scholars. His vision of the place of Orthodox theology in relation to the West was instrumental in the birth of the ecumenical movement – which has sadly lost that vision. The cruciform nature of his ecumenical vision exonerate him from […]
Cleansing the Temple in John
Read more: Cleansing the Temple in JohnA rather oddly placed story – always a problem for those who need to harmonize the gospels (and many of the Fathers tended to desire this themselves) – is the story of the “cleansing of the temple” found in the second chapter. In other gospel accounts it is always part of the story of Holy […]
You Must Be Born From Above – John 3
Read more: You Must Be Born From Above – John 3Absolutely one of the strangest conversations to occur anywhere in the gospels takes place between Jesus and the inquiring Nicodemus in the third chapter of John. Of course, at least one of its verses (or at least its Stephanus Pagination verse number) has become nationally famous as an attendee at almost all televised American sporting […]
Mystagogical Catechesis and the Gospel of John
Read more: Mystagogical Catechesis and the Gospel of JohnI promise to get “off topic” from time to time – but I would like to do a bit of a “series” here in the post Pascha period – doing what has been done in the history of the Church – and look at the Gospel of John and what it means for us as […]
Jana, I think that giving thanks for all things is part of “taking up our Cross.” It is indeed the…