Knowing the Personal God
Read more: Knowing the Personal GodThe word personal has a commonplace meaning in English. If I have personal knowledge of an event, it means that I was actually there and saw what took place. Personal knowledge of another person, means that we have actually met, spent time together and shared information. Difficulty arises when this commonplace use of the phrase […]
Thy Word Have I Hid In My Heart
Read more: Thy Word Have I Hid In My HeartA dear friend and parishioner whose Blog, Highways in the Heart, is noted on my blogroll, is as great a fan of the Psalms as anyone I know. She has probably committed over 90 to memory – not a small feat in our world today. It was the tradition (and still required by canons) that […]
Is Fellowship with God Possible?
Read more: Is Fellowship with God Possible?Too little has been written about the politics (and theology) of Bible translations. From the very first instance, the goal of English translations has not been a primary concern with a faithful rendering of the meaning of the text. Much of the history of the English Bible has been precisely over the agenda carried by […]
Music and Scenes from the “Desert”
Read more: Music and Scenes from the “Desert”One of the better known monasteries in Russian history is the Valaam monastery. Taken over by government authorities during the time of the Communists and used for other purposes, it has been returned today to the Church and is growing into a full-functioning, thriving monastery, one of the “deserts” where spiritual warfare on behalf of […]
With Humble and Contrite Hearts
Read more: With Humble and Contrite HeartsPerhaps among the greatest of Psalms is David’s 50/51: Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy steadfast love; according to thy abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin! For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me. Against thee, […]
The Desert – Struggling in a Flat Land
Read more: The Desert – Struggling in a Flat LandOne of the best-known sayings to have come from the Desert Fathers is: “Stay in your cell and your cell will teach you everything.” To a large degree the saying extols the virtue of stability. Moving from place to place never removes the problem – it only postpones the inevitable. Somewhere, sometime we have to […]
New “Page” Posted
Read more: New “Page” PostedI have combined the series on the one-and-two-storey universe into a six-part series and posted it under the Pages section on the right margin of the Blog. People can now click and read the entire string. I hope this will be of interest to some. It is in the pages section with the title: Christianity […]
Music from Orthodox Georgia
Read more: Music from Orthodox GeorgiaAmong the older Orthodox nations in the world is the Republic of Georgia. Their local traditions include many saints, wonderful churches, and some of the most hauntingly beautiful music anywhere in the Orthodox world. This is a small clip from a Georgian monastery. Enjoy.
Christian Atheism
Read more: Christian AtheismThe title for this post sounds like an oxymoron, and, of course, it is. How can one be both an atheist and a Christian? Again, I am wanting to push the understanding of the one-versus-two-storey universe. In the history of religious thought, one of the closest versions to what I am describing as a “two-storey” […]
atheism, Conversion, Culture, Knowledge of God, Liturgy, Orthodox Christianity, Scripture, The Sacraments
Owen, I think you’re right – those are the “lofty” things – a day at a time.