What’s At Stake in the Atonement
Read more: What’s At Stake in the AtonementOne of the more common topics both on this blog and on a number of other Orthodox sites are questions about the Atonement. In general the Atonement refers to how it is we understand that Christ reconciled us to God. When we say, “Christ died for our sins,” what does it mean? The questions of […]
The Heart of Silence
Read more: The Heart of SilenceThe heart itself is but a small vessel, yet dragons are there, and there are also lions; there are poisonous beasts and all the treasures of evil. But there too is God, the angels, the life and the kingdom, the light and the apostles, the heavenly cities and the treasuries of grace—all things are there. […]
The Silence in which We Dwell
Read more: The Silence in which We DwellThere is a strange noisiness to our culture. Most of us live very busy lives in which time itself is noisy. My phones (there always seem to be two) are primed to go off at any moment and the very details that surround us carry a kind of noise about them. It is rare that […]
Why The Small Things Matter
Read more: Why The Small Things MatterPerhaps one of the greatest disservices done to Christians by the spate of “Left Behind” novels and the like, and the romanticism that is inherent in the drama depicted – is that it makes the true struggle undergone by Christians seem trivial by comparison. When the small actions, little choices for kindness, forgiveness, joy, comfort […]
What St. Seraphim Meant
Read more: What St. Seraphim Meant“Acquire the Spirit of Peace and a thousand souls around you will be saved.” This is perhaps the most famous quote of the great Russian saint, Seraphim of Sarov. Many of his icons have this saying on them. I’ve never met anyone who didn’t like it. On the other hand, I think there are many […]
How Do We Know God?
Read more: How Do We Know God?How do we know God? The question is simple and straightforward – until we begin to answer it. I have written lately much about icons, and particularly the Seventh Council’s contention that “icons do with color what Scripture does with words.” This simple statement has such a richness of implication that it is hard to […]
Looking for God in All Places
Read more: Looking for God in All PlacesSometimes the title for a piece comes before the rest of my writing and tells me what I’m going to write. Other times it comes as the last thing. Tonight it’s the first. I thought about “Looking for God in all the Right Places,” but, then again, that’s the problem. People frequently assume that God […]
A Blessed Day to You All
Read more: A Blessed Day to You All
Simon, Yes, Christ has 2 natures: divine and human. The 5th Ecumenical Council declared this definitively. One Person (Hypostasis) Two…