“A Single Word Shall Fell Him”
Read more: “A Single Word Shall Fell Him”I recall the line from Luther’s great hymn, “A Mighty Fortress.” When speaking of our adversary, whom I need not name, it boldly proclaims, “A single word shall fell him.” It goes on to say, “That Word above all earthly powers, no thanks to them abideth…” etc. A single word is indeed powerful, particularly if […]
When Things Are Not As They Seem
Read more: When Things Are Not As They SeemIt is said that when some of the natives of the South Seas first saw Captain Cook’s ships approaching, they saw them as clouds. There was no category in their world for “ships,” thus the Captain and his crew came in “clouds.” I’ve have always wondered about the connection between how we name things in […]
‘Til Christ Be Formed in You
Read more: ‘Til Christ Be Formed in YouWriting to the Galatians, St. Paul utters the cry of a spiritual father: My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you…(Galatians 4:19) Though, interestingly, the imagery he uses is that of a mother and her children… But it is a groaning parents have for their own children […]
A Russian Tale
Read more: A Russian TaleThis is not a tale from old Russia, or even so much a new tale, but it is a tale told by me, an American, born in 1953, who lived through the events of the 60’s, Vietnam, the whole mess. And strangely, Russia played an important role. At the end of the 60’s my older […]
The Pearl of Great Price
Read more: The Pearl of Great PriceChrist told the parable of a merchant in search of fine pearls, who when he had found one truly great one, sold all that he had and bought the pearl – ever since known as the “pearl of great price.” What Christ refers to in the parable, of course, is the Kingdom of God. And […]
How Vulnerable is Your Life?
Read more: How Vulnerable is Your Life?Young parents quickly discover a level of vulnerability they had not known before a child came into their world. With the birth of a child, under most normal circumstances, your heart becomes extremely vulnerable. You discover that you’ve never loved anything so much and the fragility of their lives becomes, sometimes, all too obvious. I’m […]
Zizioulas and the Church that is Communion
Read more: Zizioulas and the Church that is CommunionOne of the more profound writers and thinkers in the Orthodox Church today has to be Metropolitan John Zizioulas – who has taught for years in Scotland and England – and is known to be one of the closest theologians to His Holiness, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople. Zizioulas [as he is commonly referred to without […]
Writing Plans – Zizioulas Made Plain
Read more: Writing Plans – Zizioulas Made PlainI hope to spend some time next week “unpacking” (as they say) some of Met. John Zizioulas’ theology. It is very helpful in understanding the true nature of the Church. This weekend I am in Clarksville, TN, near Fort Campbell, to explore the possibilities of a new mission. I would much appreciate your prayers. It’s […]
And Now for a Little Meat! Met. John Zizioulas and the Church
Read more: And Now for a Little Meat! Met. John Zizioulas and the ChurchIf you are not familiar with Met. John Zizioulas’ work, then you have missed some of the best writing by an English-speaking Orthodox writer. Not that having read him you’ll understand what you have just read. But the following small article was sent to my by my dear friend, the Pontificator, whom many of you know from […]
Orthodox Europe?
Read more: Orthodox Europe?From the Christian Science Monitor comes this interesting opinion piece: A short quote: Western suspicion of Eastern Orthodoxy can be traced back to before the Great Schism that divided the Christian Church in 1054. One hundred and fifty years later, it fueled the Crusaders’ zeal for the sacking of Constantinople. In the 18th century, it […]
Simon, Yes, Christ has 2 natures: divine and human. The 5th Ecumenical Council declared this definitively. One Person (Hypostasis) Two…