Thursdays – the Holy Apostles and Great Hierarchs
Read more: Thursdays – the Holy Apostles and Great HierarchsThursdays in the Orthodox Church are devoted to the Holy Apostles and the Great Hierarchs, especially St. Nicholas of Myra, the Wonderworker. As someone noted earlier, Thursday is the “twelfth” day of the week (if Sunday is eight) thus the association of the 12 Apostles – though which came first – the designation or the […]
Unexpected Travel
Read more: Unexpected TravelI am rather unexpectedly traveling to Indianapolis for a meeting Thursday and Friday and will post as I get a chance (hotel at night, I suppose). I would appreciate prayer and patience with the blog as I will be out-of-pocket for most of the next two days.
Wednesday – The Cross and the Betrayal of Christ
Read more: Wednesday – The Cross and the Betrayal of ChristWednesdays and Fridays of the Orthodox week are always observed more solemnly than other days in terms of fasting and prayer. The use of these days in this manner can be dated as early as the first century. The Didache, a Palestinian Christian document as old as many parts of the New Testament but not included […]
Psalm 50(1)
Read more: Psalm 50(1)The singing of Psalm 50(1) from Romania
Mission and Worship – America and the Orthodox
Read more: Mission and Worship – America and the OrthodoxThe following post is an expanded version of a comment I wrote in a recent thread. The question to which it responds is the Scriptural mandate of St. Paul (1 Cor. 9:19-23): For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a slave to all, that I might win the more. To […]
Monday – the Day of the Holy Angels
Read more: Monday – the Day of the Holy AngelsYesterday I set out to write a short piece on each day of the week. In the Orthodox calendar, each day of the week has its own particular dedication – an aspect of the life and ministry of Christ or of our life as Christians. Monday is remembered as the Day of the Angels. The […]
Sunday Morning – Resurrection
Read more: Sunday Morning – ResurrectionGod willing, I offer a set of short meditations this week – on the days of the week. In Orthodoxy each day has its own “dedication,” something which marks the day and its hymnody, etc. Some of those days are more obvious than others. Perhaps the most obvious day of all is Sunday – the […]
Safe Return
Read more: Safe ReturnThank you for your prayers. We have returned safely home – just in time for the weekend’s services. I’ll return to the conversation Sunday evening or Monday morning. Many thanks to all. It looks like there is plenty to look at when I return to my desk.
America and the Church – More Thoughts
Read more: America and the Church – More ThoughtsGetreligion.org recently drew attention to a New York Times article on modern evangelicalism and the role that various forms of music are playing in their current configuration. The article contained this striking quote and observation from an interview with Tom Mercer, senior pastor of the evangelical church featured in the article: “When you start a […]
Simon, Yes, Christ has 2 natures: divine and human. The 5th Ecumenical Council declared this definitively. One Person (Hypostasis) Two…