Christ is Risen!
Read more: Christ is Risen!Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, And upon those in the tombs bestowing life! ХРИСТОС ВОСКРЕСЕ! ВОИСТИНУ ВОСКРЕСЕ !
God’s Great Sabbath
Read more: God’s Great SabbathOne of the most immediately puzzling passages in Genesis is in the creation story where we are told that God “rested on the Seventh (Sabbath) day.” It obviously cannot be taken in the literal sense that God needed rest. There is a deeper mystery. In the interpretation of the Christian Fathers and in the life […]
The Cross of Christ
Read more: The Cross of ChristToday, is suspended upon the Cross, He Who suspended the Earth upon the waters. A crown of thorns crowns Him, Who is the King of the angels. He, Who wrapped the Heavens in clouds, is clothed with the purple of mockery. He, Who freed Adam in the Jordan, received buffetings. He was transfixed with nails, […]
Holy Week and Envy
Read more: Holy Week and EnvyAs noted in my earlier post, envy plays a large role in the events of Holy Week. Strangely, it is a passion which is rarely mentioned in our culture, even though the Fathers (at least some) thought of it as the root of all sin. We frequently think of pride as the root of all […]
Scarcity, Abundance and the Kingdom of God – Thoughts for Holy Week
Read more: Scarcity, Abundance and the Kingdom of God – Thoughts for Holy WeekIn the Praises for Matins of Holy Wednesday, we read: Oh, the wretchedness of Judas! He saw the harlot kiss the footsteps of Christ, but deceitfully he contemplated the kiss of betrayal. She loosed her hair while he bound himself with wrath. He offered the stench of wickedness instead of myrrh, for envy cannot distinguish […]
How Deep Does the Journey Go?
Read more: How Deep Does the Journey Go?The journey to Pascha, which is made during Holy Week, is a liturgical action that marks the path to the greatest depths of our heart and to the heart’s true home. The deeply moving image of the Bridegroom, whom we address in the words of the hymn, manifest to us in His icon of humility, […]
Behold the Bridegroom Comes
Read more: Behold the Bridegroom ComesBehold, the Bridegroom comes at midnight, And blessed is that servant whom He shall find watching, And again, unworthy is the servant whom He shall find heedless. Beware, therefore, O my soul, do not be weighed down with sleep, Lest you be given up to death, and lest you be shut out of the Kingdom. […]
And Now the Journey Begins
Read more: And Now the Journey BeginsI write in brief today. The liturgical journey of the Church through Holy Week and into Pascha begins tonight (with Vespers). In my parish it began this morning, since I begin the hours and reading of the Gospels on this Friday, rather than waiting to Monday. Thus, this morning we heard the whole of St. […]
Is Hell Real?
Read more: Is Hell Real?On one of the roads leading into my small city a billboard has recently appeared. It is part of a larger campaign by a nationally known evangelist who is to have a revival in Knoxville. The sign is simple. In very large bright yellow letters (all caps), the sign says: HELL IS REAL. In small […]
Icons and the Heart
Read more: Icons and the HeartThe following comment was posted in response to my recent thoughts on icons: I’m interested in learning to experience more of what you describe in your experience with icons. I’ve started praying with them, but not sure “how to,” if there is a “how”. I have an icon of Christ the Pantocrator and one of […]
Jeff, Yes, indeed.