The 15th Antiphon of Great and Holy Friday Matins Sung by Archbishop Job of the Midwest

This is a wonderful video of the late Archbishop of Chicago and the Midwest. May his memory be eternal!

[vodpod id=Video.3070600&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26]

About Fr. Stephen Freeman

Fr. Stephen is a retired Archpriest of the Orthodox Church in America, Pastor Emeritus of St. Anne Orthodox Church in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. He is also author of Everywhere Present: Christianity in a One-Storey Universe, and Face to Face: Knowing God Beyond Our Shame, as well as the Glory to God podcast series on Ancient Faith Radio.





17 responses to “The 15th Antiphon of Great and Holy Friday Matins Sung by Archbishop Job of the Midwest”

  1. Elizabeth Carney Avatar
    Elizabeth Carney

    Thank you, Fr. Stephen, for posting the video of Archbishop Job. Listening to him sing the hymn was balm to my heart.

    A grateful reader,
    Liz Carney

  2. Valentina Lootens Avatar
    Valentina Lootens

    I will never forget his visit to our church. He was a true pastor. May his memory be eternal!

    Thank you for sharing, Father Stephen.

  3. Eric Avatar

    Vladyka Job made a habit of being at Christ the Savior parish, his long-time chapel and the chancery offices, for the Royal Hours on the morning of Holy Friday. We would walk over to his throne and ask him if he wanted to sing the XV antiphon, and he would humbly demure and say ‘maybe.’ Then, he would slowly walk over to the choir at the appointed time, give the two pitches with his finger pointing up or down, just like in the video, and then sing the antiphon in the Carpathian chant, usually with the now-Fr. Herman singing ison. It was always one of the more memorable and anticipated moments of Holy Week.

    Thanks for posting this video, I did not know it existed.

  4. fatherstephen Avatar

    This was posted by a friend on facebook and it’s my joy to share it here. The wonderful moments such as you describe are among my favorite stories that I hear from faithful about their bishops. The relationship with our hierarchs is properly intensely personal (in the fullest sense of that word) and develop over time. The Diocese of the South had Vladyka Dmitri for 30 years, and continues to enjoy him in his retirement. You can go nowhere in the South without stories of his kindness and patience and his complete joy in just visiting informally with faithful, answering questions and telling stories. The first time I met him (before my conversion) was in just such a setting. I enjoyed him in my home in such encounters a number of times. The ministry of Christ seems to have taken place in such settings most of the time. You are blessed to have had such a hierarch. The OCA is deeply indebted to his courage and his integrity.

  5. Karen Avatar

    One of the most beautiful Holy Week Antiphons, most beautifully sung! Thank you so much for posting it. May Archbishop Job’s memory be eternal!

  6. Orev Avatar

    This is incredible! Although it took me a minute to realize it’s in English, 🙂 the singing alone moved me to tears! Thank you for sharing!

  7. fatherstephen Avatar

    He does the opening verse in Greek.

  8. Sean Avatar

    I remember this very antiphon since my early youth. The church in our village packed, late on Holy Thursday evening, stores closed, people keeping silent and waiting the end of the 5th reading from the Gospel, and then the Cross coming out of the Altar in the accompaniment of this hymn. I think many felt very strongly about this moment, I can recall so many faces around that were tearful (my grandmother is always so on this occasion) and there were so many flowers! Everyone brought flowers along, some a couple, most brought whole wreaths that they laid upon the Soma. It’s one of the memories I treasure more fondly and I still feel moved when this time of the year comes (though I now have the added privilege of chanting the hymn with the choir). I just cannot imagine how one could merely describe in words how the crucifixion feels.

  9. Mat Avatar

    Father, bless. Do you know where the source music could be found, that he is singing? Thanks!

  10. Michele Avatar

    A fellow parishioner of mine, whose family had known +Job for many years, told me this is “just normal Carpathian plain chant.” That appears to have been the Archbishop’s favorite type of chant.

  11. Michele Avatar

    Forgot to add – the cathedral in Chicago might be a place to start for the music.

  12. Mat Avatar

    Thank you, Michele!

  13. Jean Avatar

    Thank you for this beautiful video. I was searching for a mind-blowing Holy Week audio or video to send to spiritually starved friends who are considering seeking into Orthodoxy from out of their evangelical tradition. This one of the 15th Antiphon really fits the bill. I’m sure it will suck them into the vortex like nothing else can. It’s the one that clenched the deal for me 11 years ago when I was seeking.

  14. Michele Perillo Avatar
    Michele Perillo

    A very intense chant, authentic prayer. Thanks.

    The treble “We worship Thy … , o Christ” conveys feelings of love and compassion towards our Saviour who is suffering for us.

    I am sorry I can’t understand the word between “Thy” and “o Christ”, because I am Italian.

  15. Micah Avatar

    The 15th Antiphon of Great and Holy Friday Matins Sung by Archbishop Job of the Midwest

    Today He Who hung the earth upon the waters is hung on the Tree (x3).
    Thy King of the Angels is decked with a crown of thorns.
    He Who wraps the heavens in clouds, is wrapped in the purple of mockery.
    He Who freed Adam in the Jordan is slapped on the face.
    The Bridegroom of the Church, is affixed to the Cross with nails.
    The Son of the Virgin is pierced by the spear.
    We worship Thy Passion, O Christ (x3).
    Show us also Thy glorious, Resurrection.

  16. Michele Perillo Avatar
    Michele Perillo

    Thank you, Micah.

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