Blessed is the man who has acquired a luminous eye with which he will see how much the angels stand in awe of Thee, O Lord, and how audacious is man.
St. Ephrem the Syrian
The Seraph could not touch the fire’s coal with his fingers, but just brought it close to Isaiah’s mouth: the Seraph did not hold it, Isaiah did not consume it, but us our Lord has allowed to do both.
St. Ephrem the Syrian
I received in the mail today my awaited copy of The Luminous Eye: The Spiritual World Vision of Saint Ephrem the Syrian by Sebastian Brock. Recommended by one of the readers on the blog – it will make rich fare in this season of fasting!
I look forward to the spiritual feast and, God willing, to sharing some thoughts with everyone as I make my way through. I can already see that it makes me wish I had studied Syriac. As is, I’ll have to settle for my Hebrew. St. Ephrem pray for us!
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