Like A Refugee

It was June 13, 1940. A young Vladimir Lossky (later to be author of The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church) was making his way on foot with the crowds from Paris who were fleeing from a victorious, invading German army. The invasion was sudden, surprising, and completely overwhelming in its success. The entire operation took no more than six weeks. Lossky kept a diary. The small book, Seven Days on the Roads of France (SVS Press, 2012), is one of the more profound reflections on a singular moment in history. It is well worth the read. On the first day he observes:

The Germans are in Paris; perhaps they will get to the Loire, to the Garonne, everywhere. But France is not conquered yet; the ‘human’ war has only just begun. Perhaps it will last for a century. As during that other great period of troubles that we call the Hundred Years’ War, a period which nevertheless saw the birth of a new France.

“Perhaps it will last a century.” Of course, we know that Hitler’s Third Reich would be defeated by May of 1945, Paris having been liberated in August of 1944. Nonetheless, “…perhaps it will last for a century,” is a sobering thought.

We live in a day and time that many ponder as the “end” of Western Civilization. I suspect that it is not the end, but merely the continuing evolution of modernity, a philosophy and period of time that has sought for several hundred years to kill its patrimony. History never “ends” so much as it fades in and out moving towards a direction that is in the hands of God.

I read of another group of refugees (of a sort), in a snippet sent to me by a friend. It is a passage from an article in the New York Times Magazine, entitled, “Why Is the Loneliness Epidemic So Hard to Cure?” (August 28, 2024). The article cited a lecture in which the virtues of religious communities were praised. It posed a different observation, however.

“I’m not suggesting that we should become more religious, but I want to just suggest to you that religious communities are a place where adults engage kids, stand for moral values, engage kids in big moral questions, where there’s a fusion of a moral life and a spiritual life,” Weissbourd said at a talk held in March at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.

“A sense that you have obligations to your ancestors and to your descendants, where there is a structure for dealing with grief and loss,” he went on, repeating his opening caveat. “I feel urgently like we have to figure out how to reproduce those aspects of religion in secular life.”

It seemed to me that the speaker was identifying spiritual refugees battling the anomie of the modern world. I appreciated his great regard for religious communities, though I suspect that many fail to fulfill even the functions he describes.

It serves as a reminder to me that when something is lost, more than what we imagine to be the “main” thing is missing. There are so many “small” things that constitute the full life and culture of the Church. The Reformation abandoned the richness of Medieval culture, and replaced it with a sterile, simplified ideology that has clearly been unable to withstand onslaught of secularism. As Orthodox Christians, we must remember that we conserve more than the “doctrines” of the Church. The very texture of Orthodox life is itself the embodied memory of the Greater life.

During his flight from Paris, Lossky thought about the nature of the fight ahead. He wrote:

…”war is not waged for absolute values. This has been the mistake of all so-called ‘religious’ wars, and the main cause of the atrocities associated with them. Nor is it waged for relative values that one endeavors to turn into absolutes, nor yet for abstract concepts which have been lent a religious character…”

Lossky was ready to fight and was trying to find somewhere he could volunteer. It is interesting to me that among the “relative values” he described were a man’s “native soil, his land, his country.” He said that such relative values must not be seen as absolutes – even as you take up arms to defend them.

For the refugees fleeing Paris (or the many other places abandoned by so many), it is quite likely that most imagined their losses as absolutes – that it would be impossible to live without them. This is where our lives as Christian refugees must differ. Christianity makes a classical distinction between the things that are eternal and the things that are temporal. The temporal is always passing away. If it’s not the Nazis taking over your capital, it’s someone else making “unbearable” changes. Yet, the eternal abides. The Kingdom that resides in the heart, made manifest in the life of the Church and her sacraments, abides. It is the treasure of every refugee. If we rightly understood our life in the Church we would not lament our role as refugees. Stanley Hauerwas, back in the 1980s, famously described Christians as “resident aliens.” We live here, but this is not our home.

From Hebrews (11:9-10):

“By faith [Abraham] dwelt in the land of promise as in a foreign country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise; for he waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God.”

Our “land of promise” is not a renewal of Western Civilization, nor any number of imagined fixes to this world. It is a city that has true foundations – built by God. Stay on the road. Walk like a refugee.

About Fr. Stephen Freeman

Fr. Stephen is a retired Archpriest of the Orthodox Church in America. He is also author of Everywhere Present: Christianity in a One-Storey Universe, and Face to Face: Knowing God Beyond Our Shame, as well as the Glory to God podcast series on Ancient Faith Radio.



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38 responses to “Like A Refugee”

  1. Janine Avatar

    Thank you for this, Father.

    I think in this article you also ponder themes of loneliness, alienation. It’s interesting to me how Christ also addressed loneliness in certain ways, especially toward the end of His earthly life. Certainly He dealt with abandonment and betrayal. But I was pondering the passage in John at the beginning of Holy Week when He taught, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain” (John 12:24). That “alone” was striking to me. At the Last Supper, He says, “Indeed the hour is coming, yes, has now come, that you will be scattered, each to his own, and will leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me” (John 16:32). It’s striking to me that He’s addressing these issues of aloneness; perhaps what it implies is that even our vocation as Christians will give us this sense in the world at times, but it’s like you’re saying here — we belong also to something and Someone else. I have experienced this in my life, and I feel it is true. Maybe it is even the solution to the alienation and isolation that seems to plague modernity and the younger generation (and is apparently exacerbated somehow through social media). Ironically (perhaps?) what Jesus emphasizes is that sacrifice or giving for the love of God is the antidote for it. Thinking out loud a little… But anyway, I think what you write is very important about “absolutes”

  2. Justin Avatar

    Interesting that you post this, since this subject has been front and center in my life for many months. My wife and I have been plagued with an increasingly nagging sense that where we live is no longer our home. Up until recently I have chalked it up to being in the autumn of our lives as parents and the sunset of our careers–yearning (for good or bad) to retire and do what we want for a change. But now, I wonder if it is something different.

    Over the years, we have increasingly felt “not at home” in our various situations: not at home in the church we were brought up and baptized in; not at home in the families we grew up with; not at home in the schools both we and our children graduated from; not at home in our home town; and most startling, not at home in our own home. I can’t blame some selfish, pre-retiree wanderlust for these strange feelings.

    When I was received into the Orthodox Church, my Godfather told me, “Welcome home.” And he was and is right, so much more that I realized at the time. I am at home in the Liturgy and the community that lives there in the Parish. So much so that I have “homesick” feelings when I drive home and am carrying on life during the weeks between attending services. (I live and work about 3 hours away from my parish.) I am in a constant state of “planning” my next attendance to Liturgy or other Church gathering… I can’t wait to get home.

    However, that is not my wife’s home… not yet. We still share the same refugee feeling, trying to press on and find a way to persevere through the onslaught of the losses, the abandonment, and the uncertain road ahead. It’s funny, like when we were kids, I bring her to Church and introduce her to my [new] family… I get that same feeling as when I brought her to meet my family when we got engaged. It’s a joy that is hard to describe.

    So, I try to bring and be the Kingdom everywhere we go, to have the peace that might save a thousand around me, starting with my wife and kids. Is it enough? Will we survive? God knows, and I have to be satisfied with that, with trusting God.

    Thank you, Fr Stephen, for pointing these things out to me, to us. It helps immensely.

  3. Fr Nathan Thompson Avatar
    Fr Nathan Thompson

    Thank you, as always, a deep and enouraging message. I have to ask though, did you just quote Tom Petty?

  4. Fr. Stephen Avatar

    Fr. Nathan,
    Having been born in 1953, Tom Petty is not very much on my radar. So, I probably inadvertently quoted him…just as he seems to inadvertently channel Bob Dylan. 🙂

  5. Fr. Stephen Avatar

    When I converted to Orthodoxy in 1998, I certainly felt like a refugee. I knew intellectually that Orthodoxy was true, etc., but having been an Episcopal priest for 20 years, it was an alien world in many ways. Indeed, though there were converts at that time, we tended to be gathered in very small groups – store-front churches and the like. The collapsing world of mainstream Anglicanism was obvious to us, but resisting it often sounded quite shrill and cantankerous at the time. The distance between then (1998) and the Obergefell Decision (2015) was massive, though many of us who had been pushing back against the pastoral/doctrinal changes around us were not surprised. Our “prophesies” were fulfilled (which gave me no comfort whatsoever).

    And now, nearly a decade beyond Obergefell, that decision seems rather quaint and conservative.

    And, of course, that is only a view of history through the lens of a single issue. In truth, the “issues” can be pointed back to any number of turning points: 1517, 1054, etc., etc., etc.

    I will offer the observation that Orthodoxy has not been preserved by its doctrine so much as by its practice. Circumstances (frequently beyound our control) have often made it impossible for us to engage in wholesale liturgical changes in the manner that has been a hallmark of the West that even predates the Reformation. It is one of the “happy accidents” of history. Even in our present time, the “incompetence” and “dysfunction” of our present ecclesial situation has made it nearly impossible for us to agree even on small things enough to make any significant changes – likely saving us, yet again, from our own best intentions.

    For myself, I have seen the “refugee” status of Orthodox Christianity for many years, including long before my conversion. When we embraced the faith, I had a sense that I belonged with the refugees – not with the masters of our present culture. I believe, firmly, that God has “saved” us (making us refugees) for very specific reasons. Lossky was already a refugee from Russia (1922). That wave of expulsions inadvertently gave the West a crop of brilliant theologians who would go on the be a vanguard of a theological renewal of Orthodoxy across the world, making possible things like our present wave of conversions through a series of utterly unforseen but happy “accidents.”

    I heard the lonely voice of those refugees when I read my first work of Orthodox theology (Lossky’s Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church, in fact). It spoke to my heart like a siren song…unfulfilled for another 25 years.

    We ourselves are part of this much larger wave of refugees – and we should be ever so honored to walk with them. And we are with them for a purpose, though it might be more than a century before it is revealed (note, Lossky’s first experience as a refugee is now more than 100 years ago).

    Welcome home, indeed! Our home is on the road.

  6. Janine Avatar

    “I have been a stranger in a strange land”

  7. Esmée Noelle Covey Avatar
    Esmée Noelle Covey

    I recently had an exchange with a woman on Facebook who took umbrage at the fact that I choose not to vote or participate in politics, as she felt we all have a moral obligation to do so because we are responsible for “building the Kingdom.” She was a Christian, but not sure if Orthodox, but she had no idea that the Kingdom is already built and that it has nothing to do with this world. I appreciate that you keep pointing to this reality, so we can “stay on the road.”

  8. Dee of St Herman Avatar
    Dee of St Herman

    Wow, Father! Thank you so much for this needful reminder!

  9. Fr. Stephen Avatar

    It is staggering to me that people utterly overlook Christ’s own statement: “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.” (John 18:36). People literally make the argument that we should “fight” (vote, argue on Facebook, etc.) in order to “build the Kingdom.” This “build the Kingdom” nonsense has been infiltrating Orthodoxy from several angles (often citing NT Wright). It’s just bad theology – plain and simple. Of course, no doubt, John 18:36 will be argued away as if Jesus meant something else (like so much else that is argued away).

    I mostly blame this notion of Kingdom Building as a by-product of middle-class modernity. Poor people know darned well that they’re not building stuff and haven’t been asked to. It’s a very bourgeoise delusion – which will commonly be found among Americans and others who have long imagined that they are in charge of the outcome of history. Frankly, it’s like trying to colonize the Kingdom of God. It’s too late. The poor, the lame, the blind, etc., have already gotten there ahead of them.

    Is should be of note that the language of “building the Kingdom” is quite popular in Reform circles, and among Mormons. If that doesn’t tell us something then we’re just clueless.

    We may, of course, vote in elections. However, there is no commandment of Christ or in the Scriptures that requires us to vote. “The lesser of two evils” is a devil’s bargain, and does a good job of describing what we are often being asked to do. The Modern Project very much writes politics into the very center of all things – because that is the very nature of the heresy of secularism.

    So – if you don’t vote – then do so with faith in Christ’s Kingdom and the goodness of His Providence. Don’t just be cynical (a sin I often fall into). If you choose to vote, fine. But don’t take yourself too seriously. Pretty much all of them (politicians) will betray you. They have a very long track record of just such a thing.

  10. Dean Avatar

    Not long ago I saw this on a banner of a very large Catholic church under construction (they were asking for donations). “Help us build the Kingdom of God in Visalia.”
    Thanks for your comment.

  11. Esmée Noelle Covey Avatar
    Esmée Noelle Covey

    Father Stephen, I like your analogy of their argument as being akin to “colonizing the Kingdom.” Lol… perfect.

    Dean 🤔🤦‍♀️

  12. Fr. Stephen Avatar

    In my Protestant days, (liberal mainstream), we threw that language around without even giving it a serious thought. Frankly, it borders on blasphemy (though most don’t understand that).

  13. Fr. Stephen Avatar

    Dean, Esmèe,
    It’s kind of comical that people will speak of “building the Kingdom” and they won’t even tithe. We vote for people who believe that authorizing wars together with their collateral damage, complain about our taxes, ignore the poor among us, and then talk about building the Kingdom. Thank goodness that, in Christ, the Kingdom of God is already come and is among us. Were it otherwise, we would have no hope of ever seeing it. When His Kingdom is made manifest in its fullness (as in Rom. 8), it will sweep away all the hay, wood, and stubble, that we’ve built (in whatever name we’ve mistakenly invoked). There are, no doubt, gold, silver, and precious stones that will be revealed. But, I can promise you, they will quite unexpected and overlooked, and will not be found within the many projects we’ve imagined.

  14. Michael Bauman Avatar
    Michael Bauman

    Father, what you say, plus the grace of prayer has brought me to concentrate on Matthew 4:17: “Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
    That and walking the initiation into Cross everytime I walk into my parish with so much help surrounding me leads me to a certain optimism that the Mercy of our Lord will prevail in far more hearts than I expect.

    Although not universally because it seems to be quite easy for we humans to harden our hearts and seek our own way, even if we meet Him face to face.

  15. Ook Avatar

    When I am in a “benefit of the doubt” mood, I assume that people using the phrase “build the kingdom” in this context think it’s synonymous with “support Your People, i.e. the Christian community”. Even so, the underlying moralism strikes me as banal.

    Incidentally, the last time I voted, 40-some years ago, write-in ballots were allowed, and I wrote in Santa Claus. But Santa didn’t win.

  16. Fr. Stephen Avatar

    I think people use the phrase “build the Kingdom” in innocence and even ignorance. It is much sadder when it is used with authoritative speech. I believe that for Christians in the modern world – it is tantamount to surrendering to modernity. Ignorance itself is easily forgiven – but the results of ignorance can still be the damage of many souls.

    I think that “politics” in our present time of distress is among the strongest delusions we have ever endured. It is a kind of madness. I take comfort in God’s providence that even when we err, He is still working good in the world for our salvation.

    During the pandemic, I was genuinely not concerned about what governments and such were doing. I was, instead, concerned by what I saw being worked in the hearts of God’s people. Thus, I kept saying, “Guard your heart!”

    It is still the case. I have little to no concern about what this or that politician will do. I have a great deal of concern about what we might do with our hearts. We have endured madmen, evil men, heresies, apostasy, etc. History is full of such stuff. The Church will abide – but many will too easily be carried away by the deceptions of our age. I believe that God will save them – though that is wrapped in a mystery.

  17. Michael Bauman Avatar
    Michael Bauman

    Father, even in my life I have seen really strange miss shaping of the faith when applied to ‘politics’. The attitude reminds me of a line from the the play: The Crucible by Arthur Miller about the Salem witch trials “God damns sinners, Martha! God damns sinners.”

    Politics in the US has always been about overcoming evil by the force of law. No matter which side one is on.

    Shakespeare did much better: “The quality of mercy is not strained; It droppeth as the gentle dew from heaven upon the earth beneath…”

    But even that falls drastically short.

  18. Drewster2000 Avatar

    Fr. Stephen,

    I very much resonate with the need to consider ourselves “strangers in a strange land”. The last few years have been midlife crisis for me and so many things I depended upon besides God have been ripped from me. It’s been hard but good. In the beginning it feels like freeFALL. Only after I calm down and turn to God does it slowly become revealed that He has just given me more freeDOM.

    However, I think it’s important to balance this “refugee” mentality. There seems to be a dual spirit we must maintain. There seems to be a BOTH/AND that must be be embraced.

    For example, I know people will fail me AND yet I have been asked to trust them, to invest in them, to share my life with them, to let them into various levels of my heart. In the end I can only count on God, and yet for various reasons He has asked me to practice the various aspects of relationship and communion with them. He has asked me to lay my life down for them, even though at the same time my life is hid with Christ.

    Another example: Everything in this world is dust & ashes, smoke & mirrors, failing in quality, permanence, beauty and truth. And yet I am asked to be a good steward of my possessions. The heavenly currency is love and we are called to love these things enough that we can know them and consequently care for them. I cannot put them above God and yet I must put them above many things in order to become more like my Creator.

    Does this makes sense?

    We have to live in this world but not be of it. Different people manifest this work differently. Some will be a hermit in the woods, while others will live in the middle of New York City and pour out their lives for their students, while both want nothing more than to be with God for eternity.

    Truly this is a great mystery, and yet striking a balance and holding 2 wonderful but seemingly opposite things always before our eyes is a very common work for those of us still here in this fallen world. May God give us the grace to live in this holy tension.

  19. Michael Bauman Avatar
    Michael Bauman

    Drewster, Amen. May our Lord strengthen and protect you.

  20. Fr. Stephen Avatar

    I’m frequently puzzled by comments (when they come up) that speak of a balance. I don’t think my article advocated for anything one-sided, only to make observations about the seasons as a refugee that occur in our lives. Never should we abandon love. Many of the “refugees” during Lossky’s ordeal remained in Paris and scratched out an existence (with love) as best they could. Lossky mentioned one very distraught mother in the crowds on the road who had managed to get four of her children with her, but was in such a hurry she forgot the fifth. That is hard to imagine.

    Christ is among us as refugees, and as those who remain. God indeed give us grace.

  21. Michael Bauman Avatar
    Michael Bauman

    Father, when I fall prey to the “balance” it is because I still have an internal and logic sense of a certain type of dualism. I find it easy to listen to the lies of the darkness that it has real authority. An authority that while not equal to God, nevertheless must be considered. That is especially true when my life is stressed or uncertain in difficult ways.
    Only prayers of repentance help me to a more full reliance on His Mercy. The situation that Lossky described would be very difficult to put one’s personal fears, hopes and will to the side and rely solely on Him and His Mercy. Looking for “balance” may be the only way not to succumb

    Am I on the right track?

  22. Fr. Stephen Avatar

    I’m not sure we ever get these things right. We fail a lot, and we’re quite likely to fail. For me, working at relying on God is always a work in progress. I don’t tend to think of it as anything that I would balance – just something that I do my best with and trust in His mercy for my very likely failure.

  23. Lina Avatar

    Drewster: Reading your comment above reminded me of the time I am sure I heard a whisper of God. “If you want mercy you must be merciful.” The phrase seemed to be a corollary of “forgive us our sins as we forgive others.” God sure gives me a lot of people to forgive, including myself, and a lot of people who need mercy.

  24. Dee of St Herman Avatar
    Dee of St Herman

    For whatever it’s worth mentioning, my whole life has been like that of a refugee. I am grateful for this article to reveal how it’s not something we need to overcome (or manage) in ourselves or others (in any way that we might) as Orthodox Christians. And that we might, as we see who we are (in my case, of no count), rest into God’s hands, as it has been written:

    Lord, my heart is not haughty,
    Nor my eyes lofty.
    Neither do I concern myself with great matters,
    Nor with things too profound for me.

    Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul,
    Like a weaned child with his mother;
    Like a weaned child is my soul within me.

    O Israel, hope in the Lord
    From this time forth and forever.

  25. Michael Bauman Avatar
    Michael Bauman

    Dee, thank you for your comment. It strikes a beautiful chord in my heart. Especially the part you put in italics.

  26. Michael Bauman Avatar
    Michael Bauman

    Lina, you heard correctly I think. The hurdle many people seem to face is admitting they need mercy because that means admitting sins in their own hearts. Modernity will not allow such an admission.

  27. juliania Avatar

    As a child in New Zealand far from the wars, there was a song we sang in school taken from a poem by John Mansfield. I didn’t know Orthodoxy then, and very little Sunday schooling. I haven’t looked it up, but I have remembered all the verses. The last one is:

    …There’s no solace on earth
    For us, for such as we
    Who search for hidden beauty
    That eyes may never see.
    Friends and loves we have none
    Nor wealth, nor blessed abode –
    But the hope, the burning hope
    And the road, the open road!

    I love it that Lossky was there before I was even born.

  28. Matthew Avatar

    I guess Tom Petty was wrong after all. As Christians, we DO have to live like refugees!

    Hello everyone. The autumn of our lives (in the northern hemisphere anyway) has returned … and so have I.

    I hope everyone here is well. Peace.

  29. Fr. Stephen Avatar

    Beautiful poem!

  30. Fr. Stephen Avatar

    Welcome back!

  31. Michael Bauman Avatar
    Michael Bauman

    Matthew, good to have you back.

  32. Matthew Avatar

    It’s good to be back! Thanks.

  33. Karen Avatar

    If Christians in this country were unaware of being strangers and sojourners in this world, the last few decades—and especially the last decade or so—ought to have disabused us of that notion. For those for whom it has not, we can only pray the Lord in His mercy remove the blinders.

    As for myself, I’m beyond grateful to have the opportunity to walk into the manifestation of His Kingdom every time I enter the Divine Liturgy in my parish. I know no other salvation and no other solace, but I will still vote—even for the lesser of two evils perhaps—if only in hope the Lord may use it to slow down the destruction of our world, so as to give more time to repent. The outcome is in the Lord’s hands, not mine, thank God! I don’t think there’s a right or wrong as regards the particulars, except insofar as it affects our own hearts. I’ve seen Saints who advise their spiritual children in democratic arrangements to “choose the devil with smaller horns” and those who for themselves do not vote (where that is an option) and remain apolitical (not that the two are mutually exclusive), so as to be servants of all for Christ’s sake.

    May the Lord indeed deliver us, from the present strong delusion that seeks to bind us! The struggle is intense….

  34. Dee of St Herman Avatar
    Dee of St Herman

    I’m so glad you’re back dear brother!!

  35. Matthew Avatar

    Thanks so much my sister Dee!

  36. Michael Bauman Avatar
    Michael Bauman

    Refugees or not, our choir director came into the parish hall today after Divine Liturgy smiling and saying emphatically: “What a wonderful Sunday everybody! May it be that way for you!”

    Indeed it is.

  37. Matthew Avatar

    As a Catholic and former evangelical Protestant I can say that the idea of “building the Kingdom” is alive and well in both camps (though I have not heard this phrase used in the Catholic realm even though the Catholics do a massive amount of social (“kingdom”) work here in Germany). I clearly see the problems with this kind of thinking. I have learned about the problems of modernity as well as the reality of the kingdom right here on this blog. The kingdom is indeed a present reality that does not need human hands to build it.

    That said, the good things that both the Protestants and Catholics do in my space (I can only confidently speak about my geographical locale) I hope are examples of wanting to live the commands of Christ and not a desire to simply do things the modern way … though I know they are often accused of doing just that. There are indeed issues in the west that stem from well intentioned people trying to “modernize” the church because the spirit of modernity is so strong (e.g. people wanting to make the Catholic liturgy more and more evangelical looking).

    Personally I think this must be resisted and as such we can learn a lot from those Orthodox friends who seem to hold onto tradition more confidently and firmly and who understand more fully what the kingdom is and what the problems with the “modern approach” really are.

  38. Michael Bauman Avatar
    Michael Bauman

    As I ponder the wonderful spirit that we had during and after worship I find it connected to the spirit that our assistant priest’s homily unleashed. His sermon was on obedience and the essential in the Christian life. It was a powerful skillfully delivered and as each of us absorbed a bit of what was said, the spirit of Joy was released in each of us.

    Glory to God.

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