Your Prayers and Assistance Needed

I began my Orthodox ministry in Knoxville, TN, with the planting of St. Anne Orthodox Church. We grew from a handful of people meeting in a home, then a warehouse, then a storefront, to a small building. That beginning was 26 years ago. The landscape of Orthodox across America and the South has changed dramatically in those years. Twenty-six years ago, we struggled to pay the rent. Today, we struggle to find room for the crowds that continue to show up each week. St. Anne is taking a huge step forward. We have found (and purchased) a new location and have begun our fundraising for a newly designed temple.

For the past 18 years, I have maintained the work of this blog, and other writings. The conversations within the comments alone would have justified this ministry (there have been nearly 100,000 comments over the years). Nevertheless, through all the years, the parish of St. Anne has been my first and primary love. It has been the place of my Orthodox life. My writing would be impossible without it.

I am sharing this video with my readers (please share it with others). I am reaching out to ask for your prayers, and, in your generosity, your financial help for this important work of the Church. The video also give a short look at the work that takes place in our parish – probably a lot like your own. Fr. Daniel Greeson, the current Rector, is doing a marvelous job in his leadership. I enjoy my retirement (I am now “pastor emeritus”) and help out as needed. However, I use my additional time and freedom in this work of writing and speaking.

Thank you for years’ of readership. Please help if you can – and pray if you will!

Fr. Stephen

You can donate at this link:

If you want to mail a donation (please indicate “building fund”), here is the address:
St. Anne Orthodox Church
560 Oak Ridge Turnpike,
Oak Ridge, TN 37830

About Fr. Stephen Freeman

Fr. Stephen is a retired Archpriest of the Orthodox Church in America. He is also author of Everywhere Present: Christianity in a One-Storey Universe, and Face to Face: Knowing God Beyond Our Shame, as well as the Glory to God podcast series on Ancient Faith Radio.






25 responses to “Your Prayers and Assistance Needed”

  1. Michelle Avatar

    Father, could you post a link to easily give directly to this project?

    Glory to God!

  2. Andrew Avatar

    What a glorious problem! May it be blesses!

  3. Xenia Avatar

    Could you provide us with the address, etc. so we can contribute to the building fund? Thank you.

  4. Skip Avatar

    Congratulations on the expansion. Our parish, Saint Barnabas in Sunbury Ohio, just purchased land and will likewise be starting a formal fundraising campaign soon too. We need it! Not everyone can fit in the nave during a full service, with many out in the narthex (in our case a crowded hallway), or listening in from from the fellowship hall over a speaker. We’re glad to have the young men as altar servers, and anyone who can sing in the choir, as it frees up space in the nave. And more keep coming. God is Good!

  5. FrDnRaphael Avatar

    Thank You!

    You can donate at this link:

    If you want to mail a donation (please indicate “building fund”), here is the address:
    St. Anne Orthodox Church
    560 Oak Ridge Turnpike,
    Oak Ridge, TN 37830

  6. Fr. Stephen Avatar

    Fr. Deacon,
    I’ve added that to the body of the article. Thanks!

  7. Fr. Stephen Avatar

    I overlooked that…and I’ve added it.

  8. Fr. Stephen Avatar

    It’s in the article now.

  9. Michael Bauman Avatar
    Michael Bauman

    My parish, St. George Antiochian Cathedral began in the early part of the 20th century out of homes and store fronts under Saint Bishop Raphael of Brooklyn.
    We were limited to being on the west side of the Arkansas River because that is where the undesirables lived, worked and gathered. We graduated to a small former Presbyterian church.
    Finally we graduated to the east side of town and the town let us.

    May St. Anne and the Holy Angels open and bless the way!!

    St. Raphael is still looking out for us.

  10. Judith Lahore Avatar
    Judith Lahore

    Dear Fr Stephen,
    So glad to hear that Orthodoxy is expanding so gloriously in Tennessee – praise God! We, too, on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington, are experiencing expansion, and our small church of St Herman of Alaska in Port Townsend has recently started up a mission church in Sequim, WA, since many of our parishioners have to travel an hour or more to St Herman’s, and we are bursting at the seams. We are now looking at designs to expand our own church building and build a new parish hall. But we, too, are lacking in funds, particularly during this time when we are supporting the St Sophrony mission startup. Sadly, building is very expensive these days.

    I don’t often comment, but read your blogposts faithfully, and much appreciate your wisdom. I will send St Anne’s a small donation and of course, my prayers for your great undertaking.

    Yours in Christ,
    Judy Lahore

  11. Jane in Michigan Avatar
    Jane in Michigan

    Dear Fr Stephen,

    I will be praying for the success of the building fund and be mailing a small donation soon. It is wonderful to hear of crowds of worshippers!

  12. Matthew Avatar

    As others have said:

    What a great problem to have!

    If only the Orthodox world in western Europe would have such problems!

  13. Xenia Avatar

    Thank you for the address and the link. I will be mailing a contribution today. Glory be to God for all things!

  14. Jane Avatar

    Dear Fr Stephen,

    It is thrilling to hear about the great expansion of your parish. I will be sending a small check to St. Anne’s to help with the building fund.

  15. Simon Avatar

    Father Stephen,

    Although my attendance at St. Anne’s was anything but regular, the last few times I was there when catecumens were called to the altar it seemed like half the people went up for blessing. It is really moving to see something like that.

    When I think about the stories you’ve told about the early days at the store front and where St. Anne’s is now…what a life story! What a meaningful life!

    I am genuinely happy for you. That you are able to look back and see how your life provided a scaffold for the growth of so many other lives.

    I may be the most difficult personality that has walked through the doors of St. Anne’s. But despite all the problems I’ve created you have been a true friend. Genuinely kind and loyal. Wise, as well.

    I’m genuinely happy for you.

  16. Mario GEORGIOU Avatar
    Mario GEORGIOU

    Father I am trying to contribute to the building fund but my billing address is in England. When ασκς με for billing state I cannot select England. Anγ στατε Ι pick it says Invalid Billing Postal Code. So I will send a cheque instead. Would you like it made out in dollars or pounds?

  17. Fr. Stephen Avatar

    Dollars works better. Thanks for your diligence and generosity!

  18. Mark R Rex Avatar
    Mark R Rex

    Sts Peter and Paul in Salt Lake City (and its sister St Xenia in Payson, Utah) is also growing hugely–Our wonderful father works hard but we need a 2d priest 🙂 and so many catechumens….

  19. Tim Avatar

    Can’t donate from outside the US. The billing site ( onerealm ) only allows US-states :/

    Is there a bank address I could send the money to?

  20. Matthew Avatar

    Done Fr. Stephen. Donated online today.

    You have been such a blessing to me and my family. I truly hope the building campaign is a great success!

    Glory To God For All Things!!!

  21. Fr. Stephen Avatar

    I will have to check with our treasurer this weekend to see what we can do.

  22. Fr. Stephen Avatar

    It’s such an interesting process these days. I retired in January of 2020, so Fr. Daniel has been in charge during the terrible times of the pandemic, and the very interesting times as the post-pandemic flood of newcomers came in. I have tons of stories from my foundational work there, and my heart beats with the life of the parish (my wife is one of the choir directors). And yet, I mostly “watch” as its life goes on. I have a strange sense sometimes that it’s like this in heaven…I’m interested…I pray…but I watch mostly.

    And with joy.

  23. Matthew Avatar

    Thanks so much Fr. Stephen. I am so happy that you can watch things in the parish with joy. I have been “watching” this blog for about 9 months now also with joy.

  24. Fr. Stephen Avatar

    I’ve spoken to the treasurer at the Church. Not sure about the bank address method. Mailing a check to St. Anne Orthodox Church 560 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge, TN 37830 USA, would probably be the best route.

  25. Matthew Avatar

    My “unto ages of ages amen” coffee mug arrived.

    I am SO pleased!


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