My New Book Has Been Released!

I am pleased to announce that my new book, Face to Face, Knowing God Beyond Our Shame, has just been published and released by Ancient Faith. You can click on the link and order it. I hope to complete the audio version as soon as my voice comes back.

This has been a long labor of love.

Order the book here.







About Fr. Stephen Freeman

Fr. Stephen is a retired Archpriest of the Orthodox Church in America. He is also author of Everywhere Present: Christianity in a One-Storey Universe, and Face to Face: Knowing God Beyond Our Shame, as well as the Glory to God podcast series on Ancient Faith Radio.





41 responses to “My New Book Has Been Released!”

  1. Fr. Leonard Herrem Avatar
    Fr. Leonard Herrem

    Praise God.

  2. Dino Avatar


  3. HelenT Avatar

    So excited Father! Just ordered 2 copies. Thank you for this much anticipated book!

  4. Ryan Budd Avatar
    Ryan Budd

    So very exciting! As a Roman Catholic, I always find the way you write about the things we hold in common so refreshing and insightful. Ad multos annos!

  5. Cindy George Avatar
    Cindy George

    Praise God! We have been waiting for this 🙏🏼

  6. christa-maria Dolejsi Avatar
    christa-maria Dolejsi

    and now that love is being multiplied!

  7. Margaret Avatar

    Praise God! Glory to God for All Things!!!

  8. Byron Avatar

    Ordered two! Now to figure out how to ship one to Hal Freeman in Russia….

  9. Andrew Avatar

    Excellent! Any idea on the timeframe for Kindle/e-book?

  10. Frankie Avatar

    Fr. Freeman – Thank you so much for this!

  11. Adriana Avatar

    Thank you for this gift, Father! Together one step closer to God… what a joy!

  12. Leigh Frank Avatar
    Leigh Frank

    Very good news, Father.
    Looking forward to growing in wisdom with your help!

  13. Dee of St Herman Avatar
    Dee of St Herman

    Dear Father I so excited and grateful. I’m ordering a copy when I get home!!


  14. Ook Avatar

    Congratulations! Ordering for shipment overseas, shipping costs more than the book itself. Any plans to make it available through Amazon?

  15. Dean Avatar

    I do see the book on Kindle e-books on Amazon.

  16. Gretchen Joanna Avatar

    Yay!! Congratulations! I am so looking forward to reading this <3

  17. Lisa K. Avatar
    Lisa K.

    Please let us know when your book is available in a digital format so that I can read it on my Kindle.
    Thank you.

  18. Ook Avatar

    Thanks Dean. I guess I should have checked before asking. Looking forward to reading this.

  19. Michaela Robinson Avatar
    Michaela Robinson

    I’ve been waiting for this! Congratulations! I was at your talk in Kemp, Texas on Saturday and it was so healing!

  20. Michael Bauman Avatar
    Michael Bauman

    Don’t forget 8th Day Books. An extraordinary store, with an extraordinary proprietor of books, Orthodox books especially. Warren Farha. He has a source of knowledge about Orthodox books that rivals the internet, IMO, and is almost as fast retrieving it from his lovely Orthodox mind.
    He and his family will be grateful.

  21. Victoria Avatar

    I am going to order this for our church bookstore. I am very grateful for your dedication and work on this – it is needed by so many. Gods Blessings

  22. Pebble Avatar

    Yay! I’ve been waiting for this and so excited. I hope they ship to Australia.

  23. Elpidios Avatar

    Glory to God!

    I have been looking forward to reading it! Our church bookstore in Australia will have some copies.

  24. Drewster2000 Avatar

    Very good. And now, about your next book…. (wink!)

  25. Andrew Avatar

    The Kindle version is up on Amazon now, for anyone that’s been waiting 🙂

  26. Síochána Arandomhan Avatar

    I definitely want to read this! Unfortunately the paperback copy, which is my preference, costs a lot to ship to my location. Will the paperback book be available through other retailers?
    Congratulations on finishing your labour of love.

  27. Fr. Stephen Freeman Avatar

    Not sure where you’re located. The book is also available in ebook format – (like Kindle).

  28. Síochána Arandomhan Avatar

    Thanks Fr Stephen. I’m in Canada. I don’t mind buying an e-book; I just prefer the print book for those I really like (and I’m sure I’ll like yours). But maybe I’ll get the e book first and figure out how to get the real book later.

  29. Light Avatar

    Amazon in Canada was selling Fr. Stephen’s new book for $23.05 before they ran out of stock. I assume they will have more stock eventually.
    Also, Book Depository is selling the book for $26.39.

  30. Fr. Stephen Freeman Avatar

    Gee whiz,
    Those are serious mark-ups on price!

  31. Dee of St Herman Avatar
    Dee of St Herman

    Just an FYI,
    The Ancient Faith store still has copies to sell. And as others have said the kindle version is available on Amazon. Last, when the Eighth Day book store has it, I’ll also purchase from them, too, to support their business.

    Blessed Lent!

  32. Light Avatar

    “Gee whiz,
    Those are serious mark-ups on price!”

    That’s in Canadian dollars. The prices would be equivalent to $16.70 and $19.12 in US dollars. (So the mark-ups are not as bad as they look at first glance.)

  33. Timmy Avatar

    I’m really looking forward to the audiobook since I have limited time to sit down & read at this stage of life given the time constraints that come from parenting two children while my wife & I both work busy jobs.

  34. Fr. Stephen Freeman Avatar

    Give it a couple of months. I’m getting over a respiratory infection and waiting for my voice to get back to form so I can complete the recordings – then the audio editor has to do his marvelous work. But patience will be rewarded!

  35. Michael Bauman Avatar
    Michael Bauman

    Get well soon, Father. There is no shame in slowing down and allowing your body to heal in accord with God’s will.

  36. Anna Avatar

    Delighted to see this.

    Father, can you remember the newly departed Joel? Our cousin’s 18 month old son just drowned in a pond, and the family is deeply grieving.

  37. Edgard Avatar

    Great news! I was expecting this book for a while now. For the past few months, I have been immersed in studying about trauma, wounds, healing, shame, grace, etc… I am currently up to the first chapter… and I can tell already that this will be a classic!
    Thank you, Father Stephen, and thank God for the journey He has taken you through!

  38. Adrian Avatar

    I’ve ordered the book from Book Depository to ship to myself to Canada. I’m looking forward to reading it! Thanks Fr. Stephen.

  39. Helen Avatar

    Good morning Father Stephen, after reading in your book, i sketched the following: a root, and labeled it toxic shame, and two weeds that grew from it, pride and envy. Such a powerful thing you write about! Then another sketch came to mind, this time, the root was labeled humility and the fruit of that? The gifts of the Holy Spirit.
    thank you. I shared the the first sketch with my son, who had so far concluded that Orthodoxy is obsolete. He really took it in and it changed him a bit.

  40. Clarissa Ingrassia Avatar
    Clarissa Ingrassia

    I just wanted to say , thank you! I have lived a very agnostic life, but am currently a catechumen in Louisiana at St. Matthews. This book has changed my life and has brought me closer to god. I always knew I had shame, but after reading this book, it has opened my eyes so much. Lots of light bulbs went off 🙂 I believe my compassion for people has even grown. Thank you!

  41. Fr. Stephen Freeman Avatar

    Thank you. Your words are a great encouragement!

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