Christianity in a One-Storey Universe

Conciliar Press has just made my book, Everywhere Present: Christianity in a One-Storey Universe, available for pre-ordering. It is due to be released on March 1. I greatly appreciate the encouragement I have had from readers as this work has been unfolding and pray that it will be useful. I’ll keep everyone posted on any developments, should there be any.

About Fr. Stephen Freeman

Fr. Stephen is a retired Archpriest of the Orthodox Church in America. He is also author of Everywhere Present: Christianity in a One-Storey Universe, and Face to Face: Knowing God Beyond Our Shame, as well as the Glory to God podcast series on Ancient Faith Radio.





55 responses to “Christianity in a One-Storey Universe”

  1. Cameron Avatar

    This is welcome news, Fr. Stephen. Congratulations! Looking forward to having a copy in my hands.

  2. Alaska Mary Avatar

    I am a recent visitor to your site and look forward to your posts. I am so happy that this book is being published and look forward to reading it. God bless you.

  3. Anastasia Theodoridis Avatar

    I’ll be ordering a copy for myself and several more to give away.

    As always, THANK YOU.

  4. easton Avatar

    congratulations, father stephen. i am looking forward to reading it!

  5. mike Avatar

    …Congratulations! Father….you must be so excited….im excited for you!

  6. Miriam/Cheryl Avatar

    YAY! =] Congratulations, Father, I /so/ look forward to reading this book!

  7. Ryan Avatar

    Wonderful news!

  8. Tap Estes Avatar
    Tap Estes

    Congratulations. Do you know if the book will be available electronically via Amazon or Apple?

  9. Greg Avatar

    Congratulations. Wonderful news.

  10. stephen Avatar

    I am assuming it is along the same lines as your previous postings here on the subject. If it is as good as I think it will be, I’ll be ordering some for our parish bookstore!

  11. Jason Ballard Avatar

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!! I don’t know if I can wait that long.

  12. Donna Avatar

    Congratulations, Father! This is wonderful news!! 🙂 I plan to purchase a copy for the library where I work. I also shared the good news of its release with my Facebook network. Glory to God!

  13. Jerilyn Burgess Avatar
    Jerilyn Burgess

    How wonderful! Congratulations! I am sooooo looking forward to reading an entire book of your terrific writing.

  14. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Joel J. Miller, Anna Lindsey and Ζωντανό Ιστολόγιο. Ζωντανό Ιστολόγιο said: Christianity in a One-Storey Universe: Conciliar Press has just made my book, Everywhere Present: Christianity … […]

  15. Jim Myers Avatar
    Jim Myers

    Fr Stephen, I have always enjoyed your blog and just ordered a copy. May God grant you many years.

  16. Fr John Bostwick Avatar
    Fr John Bostwick

    Excellent news, Father -I will definitely order the book and I am thinking thsat it might end up as something useful for my class. Congrats on its publication.

  17. Westy Goes East Avatar
    Westy Goes East

    The time between now and March 1 will probably seem like an eternity (to you AND us) – but the wait will be worth it! Congratulations and blessings!

  18. Margaret Avatar

    Congratulations and thank you, Fr. Stephen!!!

  19. A Genius of Compression Avatar
    A Genius of Compression

    Excellent. What took you so long?

  20. Bill M Avatar

    Looking forward to this.

  21. Mary Avatar

    Is there a way to order the book and have it shipped via USPS? The shipping through UPS is about 3 times more than what the Post office charges.

  22. Fr. Stephen Avatar

    Genius of Compression:
    I had some difficulties with the space/time continuum.

    Mary, Conciliar Press will have to answer those questions.

  23. Darlene Avatar

    CONGRATULATION, Father Stephen. I will save up my pennies to buy. Just curious, but from the inference of the title, it seems as though the main idea of the book is to enlighten readers (whether Orthodox or not) of our wrong two-storey universe thinking and then reveal how to change our mind-set into living as Christians in a one-storey universe. Am I in the ball park?

  24. fatherstephen Avatar

    Yep, that’s the ballpark.

  25. Michael Hyatt Avatar

    I love this cover, Fr. Stephen. It has “bestseller” written all over it. Great title, too. I can’t wait to read it.

  26. davidperi Avatar

    Wonderful…waiting till it goes on the market.

  27. Moretben Avatar

    Congratulations and thanks, dear Father! I’m looking forward to it enormously.

  28. Matthew the Penitent Avatar
    Matthew the Penitent

    Father Stephen, Many Blessings on this work of Grace.
    Interesting cover. Any idea why this was chosen? I was expecting something more ‘out there’ cosmically speaking. It’s all good though. It’s all good.

  29. Ezekiel Avatar

    Great! I’m looking forward to receiving the book, and plan to get it in our Parish Bookstore. In fact, I may begin a study group using it.

    Any plan for signed copies?

  30. Marie Avatar

    How exciting! I’ve already forwarded this on to parishes with bookstores here in town. I know a great study group who will enjoy the topic.

  31. Fr. Milovan Katanic Avatar

    Fr. Stephen,

    Congratulations! Judging by the traffic you receive on this site and your popularity within the Orthodox blog world this book will be a bestseller in no time.

  32. Dianne Avatar

    I’m very happy for you and looking forward to getting the book. Like Mary, I am not happy with Conciliar Press’s confiscatory shipping charge, which almost equals the price of the book itself. I realize this is out of your control. But if any CP execs might be reading this comment . . . I’m just saying.

  33. fatherstephen Avatar

    I went to the conciliar site today and it had free shipping.

    Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless

  34. Dianne Avatar

    I looked again, and you’re right. But the free shipping is only for media mail, and you have to call in your order by phone to get media mail, which they don’t tell you until you’ve nearly completed the online order form, because their “website is currently not set up to process shipments using Media Mail” (i.e., “we want to make extra money from excessive shipping charges, so we make it inconvenient for you to order Media Mail shipping”).

    Again, sorry to vent about CP in your comments. It’s not your fault and I’m muddying up the festive mood of this thread. Let’s just say I have multiple issues with CP and here’s another one. Be that as it may, it’s a great thing that your book is finally going out into the world. It’s a book the world needs, and I’ll be buying it, even if I do it with some grumbling about its publisher.

  35. Jenny Avatar

    Thanks, Diane! Don’t know how you figured this out from the CP website, but thanks for the “Media Mail” info. I knew the site advertised “free shipping” for advance orders, as Father states, but kept running up against that whopping fee when I tried to order online. Will call them tomorrow.
    Blessings, Father!

  36. Darlene Avatar


    Will your book be in non-Orthodox book stores as well, such as Christian book stores and secular book stores (Barnes & Noble)?

  37. frontierorthodoxy Avatar

    Good for you, father!

  38. isaac8 Avatar

    I’m glad to see your first book coming out Fr. Stephen. Hopefully Conciliar will want to turn this into an audio book as well.

  39. T h e o • p h i l o g u e Avatar

    What is the book about? (sorry, I just learned about your blog so I’m new) Recently also posted a link to your blog on mine. 😉

  40. fatherstephen Avatar

    The best way to get a feel for what it’s about is the read some of what I’ve written on the topic here on the blog

  41. T h e o • p h i l o g u e Avatar

    Thanks Father Steven. I will read it.

  42. John Maddex Avatar

    Thanks for expressing your concern about the unavailability of media mail on the web site. This was a temporary problem which has been fixed now. We are concerned about any problems our customers are having and would love to hear from you directly when there are concerns. AND, we are very excited about Fr. Stephen Freeman’s new book! So much so, that the first 3 readers of this blog who contact me will receive a free copy! My email is jmaddex at conciliarmedia dot com.

  43. John Maddex Avatar

    Congratulations to Michael, Donna, and Easton who were the 3 winners of Fr. Stephen’s new book!

  44. fatherstephen Avatar

    Thank you John!

    Sent via DROID on Verizon Wireless

  45. David Poulton Avatar
    David Poulton

    Pre-ordered my copy!!

  46. NW Juliana Avatar
    NW Juliana

    Mr. Maddex, if I may — the link that your name is connected to (above) is broken. For others having the same problem, the correct link is HTH.

  47. Jenny Avatar

    Father, Bless!
    Pre-ordered my copy– Really looking forward to this read…

  48. Jenny Avatar

    BTW, the 800 # to call for free media shipping is 1-800-967-7377;
    a very sweet helpful lady will answer and help you!

  49. Fr Nathan Thompson Avatar

    I actually just ordered something from Conciliar and saw that it is coming out. I am looking forward to getting it and reading it as I have benefited from reading your blog. May God continue to bless you and your service to His Kingdom.

  50. AR Avatar

    Congratulations and thank you for this ministry.

    Nice cover!

  51. […] you to check out Matthew Gallatin‘s podcast series Pilgrims from Paradise, as well as Fr Stephen Freeman’s new book Everywhere Present: God in a One Storey […]

  52. […] today in Orthodoxy, indeed are really quite common, is hugely significant. Ours is not, to use Fr Stephen Freeman’s phrase, a “two-storey” universe, up-there and down-here. Nor have saints reposed in the Lord […]

  53. Andrew Avatar

    Congratulations, Father!

  54. […] inspiring book Fr Stephen Freeman has written. If you haven’t read it, please get ahold of Everywhere Present: Christianity in a One Story Universe. You won’t be sorry. Our failures in life are first a failure to perceive God’s presence […]

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