I have a task and a purpose in maintaining this blog. It is free and a work of love and an offering to God. It provides a place to write about the Orthodox faith. It also provides a place for reasonable discussion of the topic at hand.
By the same token, it is not a site that answers all questions about the Orthodox faith because I do not know everything about the Orthodox faith. Nor is it a place for argument, because I believe argument to generally be useless and simply a work of the flesh.
I have jokingly said in the past that when comments get past 50, very little new or interesting is being said. It is certainly the case that the original article becomes more and more obscured by comments and the work and labor of my own writing is largely nullified.
Unlike general readers, I am obligated to read every comment and maintain the order of this small creation.
Recently, one article had 187 comments. I have turned comments off on that posting. The discussion while interesting to a few kind souls had long since ceased to have any genuine relationship with the original article and its points. I do not have the time to manage such discussions.
I would ask those who comment to help the conversation stay on track and close to the matter at hand. We serve a good God who works ceaselessly for the salvation of all. This blog, occasionally blessed with playing a role in someone’s conversion, is in no way necessary to the mission of the Church or God’s Kingdom. I need God – but I am not necessary to Him.
Please forgive me as we begin this Lenten season and pray for a blessing on this small internet effort.
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