The following is a small excerpt (including the prayer) from St. Silouan the Athonite written by the elder Sophrony. The painting is Vasnetsov’s Baptism of the Prince Vladimir.
The soul that has known the Lord wants to see Him within her at all times, for the Lord enters the soul in quietness and gives her peace, and bears silent witness to salvation.
If the kings and rulers of the nations knew the love of God, they would never make war. War happens to us for our sins, not because of our love. The Lord created us in His love, and bade us live in love, and glorify Him.
If those in high places kept the commandments of the Lord, and we obeyed them in humility, there would be great peace and gladness on earth, whereas now the whole universe suffers because of the ambition for power and absence of submission among the proud.
I pray Thee, O Merciful Lord,
let all mankind, from Adam to the end of time,
come to know Thee,
that Thou art good and merciful,
that all nations may rejoice in Thy peace,
And behold the light of Thy countenance.
Thy gaze is tranquil and meek
and draws the soul to Thee.
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