A Little Child Enters the Temple


The story in the gospel of Christ’s visits to the Temple in his childhood – the first at 40 days of age (marked by the Feast of the Presentation and the occasion of prophecy by the Elder Simeon and Hannah the Prophetess) and at age 12 when He is lost and later found giving instruction to the teachers and scribes, is a reminder of the importance of children in the Temple of God. In Orthodox liturgical practice, a child is “churched” after its Baptism, being presented to God. The priest concludes the Churching by holding the child before the Royal Doors and reciting the words of the Elder Simeon: “Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace…” In Orthodox practice in some places, the child is then placed on the floor of the ambo and the mother picks it up – the clear implication that God has accepted the child and now returns it to the parents to be raised in the Church. It also is a reminder that our care for children is underwritten by the childhood of Christ – that to misuse a child is to misuse Christ. He has radically identifed Himself with the “least of these.”

It reminds me Stanley Hauerwas’ statement (I misplaced its source long ago) that “since Christians already know the outcome of history, we have nothing better to do than to have children and tell them about Jesus.” I studied with Hauerwas for two years – I can remember much that he said but not always where he said it – for he (not surprisingly) liked to quote himself.

Another feast of a child entering the Temple occurs this week (on Wednesday the 21st – New Calendar): the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple. The historical evidence for this feast rests within Tradition rather than Scripture which leaves it in a questionable category for most Protestants. But the Biblical evidence of the feast rests in a category unknown to many Christians that was the delight of the Fathers and remains one of the joys of being an Orthodox Christian. It is the category of typology.

The Fathers’ reading of the Scriptures, particularly the Old Testament, is to see in its pages “types” of Christ. Christ Himself had said that the Scriptures of the Old Testament “testify of me,” and thus from the Apostles forward, the Church has learned to read and find Christ in every word and image of the Old Testament. These images fill the liturgical life of the Church. Just as Protestants sing, “Rock of Ages cleft for me,” so the Orthodox will sing of the Rock and the Ladder and the Burning Bush and every stick of furniture in the Temple and – well everything.

The types are not always pointing to Christ Himself – some point to important events or people around Him. None can be more important than His mother, without whom there is no incarnation. Her existence and role in the defeat of Satan are already part of Biblical prophecy in the words of Gen. 3:15.

In reading the typology of Scripture, the Fathers are particularly drawn to irony – for it marks virtually the whole of God’s economy of salvation: the strong becomes weak; the wise becomes foolish; the righteous becomes sin; death is defeated by death; we lose in order to gain, etc.

The irony of the child Mary entering the Temple is an image the Fathers could not ignore. Drawn on the literal level from Tradition, it is then found echoed in images and types throughout the Old Testament Scriptures. Thus the liturgical service of the Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple took its shape. The greatest irony is that the Temple is, in fact, empty of its glory. There is no ark in this Temple – it having long since been lost. There is no story of its having been filled with God’s glory at its dedication (as had been the case with Solomon’s Temple and the Tabernacle of Moses). But this child who enters the Temple is the True Ark for she will bear God in her womb. She is the true bearer of the glory of God. The irony is far too rich to be ignored. Two of the hymns from that feast: the first from the stichera on Lord, I Call, the second from the Litya. Both are wonderfully rich. A child has entered the Temple.

Today, let us dance, O faithful,

singing to the Lord in psalms and hymns

and honoring His sanctified Tabernacle, the living Ark,

that contained the Word Who cannot be contained;

for in wondrous fashion she is offered to the Lord

as a young child in the flesh,

and Zachariah, the great High Priest, joyfully receives her

as the dwelling place of God.


Today, let heaven above rejoice,

and let the clouds rain down gladness

at the mighty and exceeding marvelous works of our God.

For behold, the Gate that looks t’wards the east,

who was born from a barren and childless woman according to the promise

and dedicated to God as His dwelling place,

is today brought to the Temple as an offering without blemish.

Let David be glad, striking his harp.

For he says: “Virgins shall be brought to the King after her,

her companions will be brought to Him”;

that she may be raised within God’s tabernacle, His place of atonement,

to become the dwelling of Him Who was begotten of the Father without

change before the ages.

for the salvation of our souls.

About Fr. Stephen Freeman

Fr. Stephen is a retired Archpriest of the Orthodox Church in America. He is also author of Everywhere Present: Christianity in a One-Storey Universe, and Face to Face: Knowing God Beyond Our Shame, as well as the Glory to God podcast series on Ancient Faith Radio.



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18 responses to “A Little Child Enters the Temple”

  1. Mark Brown Avatar

    Beautiful post! Thankyou.

  2. John Senin Avatar

    Thanks for a wonderful inspiration today- I have been thinking about ‘becoming like a child.’
    I love the roots of tradition- the early fathers, power and the reality of the Holy Spirit in the early church. I was a skeptic and critic for many years, just thinking that most of it was emotionalism/hype for weak people. After a number of supernatural experiences (in the USA and Africa), my life was radically transformed…. and still my paradigms are changing. (towards pro-Biblical, early church traditions)
    I want to learn everything I can about the old paths- there is a parable where Jesus says that a wise man brings out of his storehouse both treasures old and new. Thanks for being here!!

  3. […] intrarea în Biserică a Prea Curatei cu părintele […]

  4. benjamin Avatar

    God give us the hearts to once again delight in theology and in liturgy, not to be known for our contention but for our wonder.

  5. fatherstephen Avatar

    Indeed and amen, Benjamin. The vigil will start in about 2 hours here in Oak Ridge. I look forward to the feast.

  6. ole rocker Avatar
    ole rocker

    Beautiful, just beautiful …

  7. Don Avatar

    This post was a blessing. Thank you.

  8. kevinburt Avatar


    Thank you! I did not know yet what were the implications of this feast. The ark is returned to the temple! Thank you!

    Thomas Kevin

  9. […] Father Stephen has written a nice reflection HERE. […]

  10. Mary Lowell Avatar
    Mary Lowell

    Today! Indeed, all Creation Rejoices with the Angels! Let All Creatures Exult and Be Glad in Him!

  11. mattyonke Avatar

    Fr. Stephen,

    Excellent post! As my wife and I were received in mid-November last year, the feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos was one of the first for which we were communicants. As such, it holds a very special place in my heart.

    It’s interesting now to be taking our second tour through the Church year. Last year was wonder and surprise around every corner, a new feast to learn about every day. This year is coming in with a sense of comfort as we remember the order of the year and look forward to what’s coming next with a growing sense of familiarity.

    How well our Mother the Church provides for us!

    In Pax Christi,


  12. […] [Fr. Stephen’s reflection on this feast and its foundations in the Fathers’ typological reading of Scripture can be found here.] […]

  13. […] Today Orthodox Christians celebrate the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple. Below is what has been written on the OCA website. After you have read it, please go to Fr. Stephen’s blog. He has given us wonderful thoughts on this most blessed Feast Day entitled: A Little Child Enters the Temple. […]

  14. […] to someone who might be called my regular “guest speaker”, Father Stephen at “Glory to God for All Things“.  Click the link to read his post for today’s […]

  15. Erik Avatar

    Fr. Stephen,

    I have enjoyed your writing for the last several months. I am not Orthodox (currently Episcopalian– though I’m loathing that title in many ways!), but am very interested in the Orthodox faith and have been reading everything about it I can get my hands on recently. Your writing has been a blessing. Thank you.

    Also, this feast is something (Along with the Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos) that had been confusing me. Your post made it understandable, at least in its rich and beautiful typology.

    I had a question about your reference to Gen 3:15, however. Just this week I was reading a Roman Catholic writing about Advent. He mentioned that a Greek translator had made a mistake in Gen 3:15, translating “she” where it should have been “he” (…in “he will strike your head”) and that the Hebrew manuscripts had really read “he.” His point was that the understanding of Gen 3:15 referring to Mary was based on a mistranslation. Coming from a Catholic, I thought that held more water than coming from a Protestant.

    Do you know of this idea and does it have merit, by your estimation?

    Thanks again for blessing me with your writing!
    Thanks be to God!


  16. David Bryan Avatar

    Today–the feastday–marks eight years exactly from the first time I ever set foot in an Orthodox church. What a day for a sola-scriptura Evangelical to have a first experience of Orthodoxy! My first entrance into a temple was serenaded by her Entrance into the Temple.

    Father, a question: what do we make of the fact that some Church Fathers (like St. John Chrysostom) and some contemporary and well-known Orthodox priests tend to recommend staying away from the Protoevangelion of James (in which we find–if I remember correctly–the Birth and Presentation narratives)? Why would a document that informs two major feasts of the Church be called into question?

  17. Margaret Avatar

    My husband was commenting this morning that yesterday, the day of the Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos, he was reading about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America ordaining a non-celibate lesbian.

    I couldn’t help but compare the two circumstances about how women are perceived and how womanhood is celebrated, whether young or old, the Orthodox way is the best!

  18. fatherstephen Avatar

    Erik, it would make no difference. There is no “he” to bruise his head, unless “she” gives birth to him, so “she” is there either way.


    I’ve not heard of anyone steering folks away from the Protoevangelium of James. It’s not canonical but certainly holds a place in the history of sacred writings. With much of its material found in feast days of the church. But the historical character of its material has been debated throughout most of the Church’s existence. It has, nevertheless, much to recommend it from a typological perspective at the very least. Either way, the feast works.

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