I offer a little personal observation today (there is usally some everyday even when I am writing about something else). But today I am thinking about the problem of having a God.
The problem with God is not the same thing as the problem with religion. Many people have a religion but do not have a problem with God. Many people have a Church but have no problem with God. Many people have a spiritual life but have no problem with God.
In a nutshell, I would say that if you have no problem with God, chances are you do not have a God.
Imagine someone who is Lord of Heaven and Earth and He is involved in your day to day existence. How is that not a problem? It certainly doesn’t mean you get to have your own way all the time, or even much of the time.
I frequently find in discussion of the Orthodox faith with others – the final rub – the unspoken difficulty – is God. He is almost never described as the problem (very few admit to having a problem with God – and that itself, I think, is a problem). Many people like certain aspects of Orthodoxy and would gladly add certain ones to their life or even to their Church – but the givenness of the whole thing – the take it or leave it aspect of Orthodoxy creates almost insurmountable problems. And I cannot say anything other than “take it or leave it” because of God. It’s not my Church, nor my invention. I am not free to fudge or spin. Indeed, if anything, as a priest it is my task to be sure that we do not avoid the problem with God.
God, of course, is not a problem. Sin is the problem and God is the solution. But they do not easily coexist. God will destroy sin, or sin will attempt to destroy God.
There really is a God. If that is a problem for you, then you have begun your journey of salvation. If God is not a problem for you, you may be living in delusion. Get real.
The good news about the “Problem,” is that He is God – Who finally is not a problem, but the only solution to our problem. And that is not a delusion.
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