Prayer to My Guardian Angel and Some Other Thoughts


For an update and additional comments on this article see angels.

O Holy Angel, who stand by my wretched soul and my passionate life: do not abandon me, a sinner, neither depart from me because of my lack of self-control. Leave no room for the evil demon to gain control of me through the violence of this mortal body. Strengthen my weak and feeble hand, and instruct me in the path of salvation. O holy Angel of God, the guardian and protector of my wretched soul and body: forgive all the sorrows I have caused you, every day of my life. If I have sinned in this past night, protect me during this day. Keep me from every adverse temptation, that I may not anger God by any sin. Pray to the Lord for me, that He may establish me in His fear and make me, His servant, worthy of His goodness. Amen.

My wife recently asked me, “Do you know the prayer to the Guardian Angel?” I admitted that I was familiar with the prayer but she said, “No. I mean have you learned it yet?” I admitted I had not (she memorizes things much more easily than I do – that’s my first excuse). But it turned my attention to this simple prayer, and to the remembrance of my guardian angel. In Orthodoxy, by prayer, an angel is specifically assigned to your life as part of the rite of Baptism. I’ve always liked that fact, and known that my angel watches over me.

Many people associate Guardian Angels with “getting out of a close one” or barely avoiding a wreck. While traveling in England this summer, we apparently ran a red light on a roundabout (they rarely have lights on roundabouts so we were unprepared). A car pulled out, and all of us in the car were completely convinced by our eyes that we must have hit this car. By visual report it is impossible that we did not hit this car – but there was no sound. There was a bit of a dirty look and the other car drove on. We got out just a short bit down the road to see if we had been hit or touched in any way. There was no evidence. Part of me wanted to go back and look for feathers, thinking surely that a Guardian Angel had been injured in the event (I don’t think that’s actually possible).

But there is great comfort in thoughts of my Guardian Angel. According the traditional teaching, though, the task of my Guardian Angel is not to make up for my lack in driving skills (although I did not drive in England) but to see me safely to the harbor of salvation. “Safe” is the same thing as “saved,” and that’s not over ’til it’s over.

Another prayer you will find written no where else. It was created by my son when he was four years old (that was almost 16 years ago). He had a small statue of St. Michael the Archangel beside his bed on his nightstand. He liked it so we bought it for him. It was a very manly Michael, with a great and terrible sword drawn, and the devil, stuck beneath one of Michael’s feet, writhing helplessly.

My son’s prayer (still a family favorite):

Dear St. Michael, guard my room.

Don’t let anything eat me or kill me.

Kill it with your sword. Kill it with your sword. Amen.

Now that’s a fine prayer, particularly for a four year-old. I’m not certain what made him think of things that would eat him, but when you’re four, it’s good to cover all possibilities. The prayer worked. He has been safe all these years. The only thing eaten in his room have been several tons of pizza.

I do not really understand the objections that Protestants have to such prayers. I’m told “there is only one mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus.” Well, of course. But that sense of mediation is a meaning of the word that Christ alone could perform. No angel, no other creature can unite me to God. Only God become man is able to unite man to God.

But we’re talking about prayer, not union, per se. Can someone else pray for me? I hope so and the last time I checked, even Protestants are allowed to pray for me (please do). Can angels pray for me (yes they can and they do). Is it wrong to ask them to do so or thank them for it (certainly not). Can saints in heaven pray for me (the Bible says they do). Is it wrong to ask them (Holy Tradition says it is not). In the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, the Rich Man prays to “Father Abraham” to intercede with Lazarus for him. It is of no use in his case, but he was not rebuked for speaking to Abraham. Being told “No,” and being rebuked for even having the conversation are two very different things.

I give thanks to God for the dear fellowship of the saints. For those who pray for me that I have asked, and for the many who have prayed for me that I have known nothing about. I just know that part of the joy of being an Orthodox Christian is the fact that prayer is never a lonely thing. God is the “Lord of Hosts.” He is always surrounded by such a cloud of Angels, saints, etc. He cannot be approached “alone.” This great company of witnesses, as the book of Hebrews calls them, bears witness to my prayers before God, and hopefully improves greatly upon them. They see so much more clearly than I what I see. I see and know so little. Thank God someone is praying who knows. God knows, but it is His delight, in the utter humility of His nature, to share that knowledge and to invite us to pray.

May all the saints in heaven pray for you. May St. Michael pray for you and guard your room. May your Holy Guardian Angel pray for you and the saint whose name you bear. And may you know the great fellowship of heaven even here on earth. They are truly with us.

About Fr. Stephen Freeman

Fr. Stephen is a retired Archpriest of the Orthodox Church in America. He is also author of Everywhere Present: Christianity in a One-Storey Universe, and Face to Face: Knowing God Beyond Our Shame, as well as the Glory to God podcast series on Ancient Faith Radio.





56 responses to “Prayer to My Guardian Angel and Some Other Thoughts”

  1. fishcracker Avatar

    Hello, Father. I’m a Protestant Christian, and I have no such problems. But then I studied in a Catholic school, and my mom’s Catholic. So I could be an exception.

    I pray to anyone up there on God’s side who seems inclined to help people as me. But I worship only the Triune God.

    But angels, especially my guardian angel, I pray to. After all, what kind of travel companion would I be, if I didn’t even talk to the one who has been travelling by my side since baptism?

    Thank you for the insights.

  2. Fatherstephen Avatar

    I like your comments – indeed, what kind of traveling companions would we be?

    According to parts of Tradition, your Guardian Angel is a creation whose task is solely “you,” i.e. he’s not just some Guardian Angel awaiting his next assignment. Not only is he yours, but in some way is a reflection of the fullness of who you are created to become. Thus, he knows in a manner most wonderful the journey your soul must take, for he knows its destination.

  3. fishcracker Avatar

    Cooooool. I never heard it put that way before, and that somehow feeds the part of me that sometimes (okay, often) needs to feel being the one and only focus of someone’s undivided attention and care.

    I’ve always believed that prayer is deep communication, and as such, worship is always prayer, but not all prayer is worship.
    When it comes under discussion, I usually say that I’m not worried that talking to my angel, the Virgin Mother and the saints (I have been known to ask St. Anthony to help me find my glasses on occasion :-D)would make me idolatrous– it’s the allure of money, power, work and popularity as substitutes for God that are the things one should really be worrying about.

  4. Tia Avatar

    “Not only is he yours, but in some way is a reflection of the fullness of who you are created to become. Thus, he knows in a manner most wonderful the journey your soul must take, for he knows its destination.”

    Ah. This is beautiful “food for thought” when thinking back to little sign posts I’ve had through the years of the journey-direction my soul has been headed in, and in hindsight, how those little glimpses actually feel like the fruition of a full circle. I’ve often wondered if these little tastes of things weren’t gifts given in order to prepare me in some way, so that I am open and ready to receive when the reality comes in fullness.

  5. Fatherstephen Avatar


    I never wrote a note to someone named Fishcracker before, but, heck, I talk to angels so why not?

    I could tell you stories about the intercession of St. Anthony (I know he’s Western and post-schism but I like him a lot and his prayers are powerful indeed) that would make your hair stand on in. He’s been very kind to my family.

  6. handmaidleah Avatar

    Its serendipitous that I put up an icon of St. Michael and here you are speaking about him…two different topics though but one very mighty Angel! This is an interesting story. if you will bear with me? I heard of two parents who were worried about their third grader and the Wiccan that was coming to speak at her class, being Orthodox, and knowing that the Wiccan was pagan they didn’t freak out too much but also didn’t want their eight year-old exposed to such beliefs; thanks public school! They gave her an icon of St. Michael to protect her, a big one 8×10 and she put it in her desk before class. As the story was related to me, during the question and answer period the little girl took out the icon kissed it, showed it to the Wiccan and asked what do you think about him?
    The little girl reported that she had never seen a grown up so scared in all of her life and that the lady backed up against the wall and told her to put him away, that he has power. When the girl wouldn’t do it, the teacher intervened and put the icon back in her desk.
    Angels are powerful, though their power derives from our Triune God, I have often found this story a lovely version of how even those who don’t acknowledge our Trinity, acknowledge His power.
    Glory to God for all things!
    the handmaid,

  7. Steve Avatar

    Reading Schmemann’s Great Lent:

    “Listen to the unique melody of this verse–to this cry that suddenly fills the church: ‘…for I am afflicted!”–and you will understand this start point of Lent: the mysterious mixture of despair and hope, of darkness and light. All preparation has come to an end. I stand before God, before the glory and the beauty of His Kingdom.”

    I’ve been thinking about “belonging” lately. It’s easy to feel alone and depressed and betrayed and resentful. It’s hard to belong, and to really know it, to experience it. Yet there it is right there. I belong to His Kingdom. I belong to His angels, and the Theotokos, and the saints. And finally, I belong to God.

  8. fishcracker Avatar

    Oh sorry, sir. My name’s Angeli.

    I was on a long long long ride in the back row of a bus once, and I was bored, and was thinking about the game we had of which popular love songs could you possibly reengineer as love songs to God. You know, Wind Beneath My Wings and the like, and I mumbled to myself, ” Let’s change the game. Which songs could be God’s love songs to us?”

    Then I distinctly heard a quiet voice say from somewhere over my shoulder say, “This one: You’ll Never Get To Heaven If You Break My Heart.” I laughed my head off. People thought I was crazy. Maybe I was. Anyway.

    I was busy reading with interest (and a lot of checking with and and wikipedia, since English isn’t my first language) the previous post/s on salvation, substitution and atonement; to check if there were any differences to what I have been taught, and how I’ve been attempting to explain it to people who ask. (Thank you and your readers for the backup references, by the way.)

    It occurs to me that perhaps the majority of the regular Protestants where you are, maybe, are at first introduced to certain aspects of God, (what I call the beginner’s course, where simplification and metaphors are essential. I know I use a ton of metaphors to illustrate.) but then it does not develop to a point where, through study, a relationship with Him, and proper teachers, where the understanding of who He is in all His aspects, and what He has done would go deeper? Just a thought. (and I know this comment should be on those posts, but my fingers are stuttering in the face of all those scholars, so I’ll stay here for now. :D)

  9. Fatherstephen Avatar

    Fishcracker – Angeli – what an appropriate name for this post!

    I think you’re correct, if all goes well. But frequently things don’t go well, and someone only has a brush with the gospel. If that first brush is poorly stated or simply a bad caricature, then much damage is done. We all need to pray and do the best we can to present God in truth and in love. The world is in crisis.


    We had (and maybe still have) a few pagan readers – I did a post on pagans. They had fairly strong feelings about some of what I said. Probably wouldn’t agree that the story is true about the Icon of Michael. But that would be their side of things. Michael is indeed powerful.

    Interestingly, when I have pastored parishes that were in conflict, one of my most common practices was to seek the aid of St. Michael with great effect. St. John the Baptist is also strong in this manner and of course the Theotokos.

  10. Steve Avatar

    I remember talking to a Catholic man in chat once and he said that whenever he’s particularly worried about a case (he’s a lawyer) that he prays and asks his guardian angel to go meet ahead with the opposing lawyer’s guardian angel. He said things always seemed to work out better that way, and never as badly as he first feared.

    I thought that was particularly interesting, with respect to conflict resolution.

  11. fishcracker Avatar


    That’s what one of my bosses says she does when she’s worried I’m slacking off on one of her projects. I’d say that it does work. 😀

    St. John the Baptist for conflict, Father? I tend to think of him when I need to say something that may get my head ripped off figuratively. 😀

    You’re right about the damage a poor and incomplete presentation of the truth can do. That’s why I try to make sure I’m doing a lot more praying than talking. And of course, why I’m here.

  12. Jonathan Avatar

    “You’re right about the damage a poor and incomplete presentation of the truth can do. That’s why I try to make sure I’m doing a lot more praying than talking.”

    In my quest to research and to understand certain things having to do with my vocation in the Church, I’m learning very quickly that I must do this, to talk less and to pray more. And to listen. Sure, I have my own ideas of what is going on and how I can address the issues at hand. (As I said to Father earlier in the evening, I’m 25 and know everything. :D) If I go on those suppositions without counsel, I will only end up carving a niche for myself, and I will fail. If I pray and I listen, however, and do not lean on my own understanding, then I will (by God’s grace and mercy) begin to see where I fit in. Though it is a struggle, I would rather fit in than have to carve out my own place in the world. The latter takes far too much energy and would only leave me exhausted.

    Slightly off-topic, but I’m in good company for being off-topic on occasion. 🙂

  13. Fr Alvin Kimel Avatar

    Fr Stephen, do you know who or when this prayer was composed?

  14. Fatherstephen Avatar

    Fr. Alvin,

    I’m sorry, but I have no idea. Occasionally in private prayer books there will be a heading indicating a prayer by Chrysostom or Basil, but this one has no attribution – which leads me to think it fairly late.

  15. Dylon Avatar

    Dear Father Stephen,

    i have a question for you,
    my parents are just getting devorised and alot of stuff in my life is not going as i want it to right now.
    my brother was sick when he was young and often tells me about dreams he’s had with his guardian angle in them.
    me myself do not remember ever seing my guardian angle i am fifteen years old, and my parents were my only sence of support and now there is none.
    me and my cousin have been talking alot about guardian angles too, and im kind of curious to know what my guardian angle looks like. is this not right? should i let him or her come to me?
    i want to know. but truthfully im kind of scared. is this normal?
    i’de really like to hear you input
    thank you

  16. Fatherstephen Avatar


    There certainly are many stories of guardian angels appearing, especially to children. However, it is not good to desire to see such things, because it is possible for things we do not want to see to appear instead.

    Pray to Christ, “Have mercy on me.”

    Use the prayer to the guardian angel. Or simply pray, “Pray for me, Guardian angel, dear.”

    Difficult times usually take more prayer than others. But I would be cautious about wanting to see things. If you need to see your Guardian Angel, let the angel decide. And should an angel appear to you, first make the sign of the cross and say, “Lord, Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

  17. […] 2nd, 2007 by coleputerbaugh This was a great post. Read […]

  18. […] 9th, 2007 by kevinburt “Prayer to My Guardian Angel and Some Other Thoughts” by Father Stephen; he wrote this back in January, so thanks to Cole for bringing it to my attention […]

  19. Yvonne Avatar

    Regarding the story about the Wiccan, I have never met a Wiccan who would respond like that to any icon, or to St Michael. Lots of Wiccans believe that angels and gods are the same thing, based on CS Lewis’s ideas on the subject (and also the late classical pagan apologist, Symmachus). Lots of Wiccans enjoy visiting churches alongside other holy places, such as stone circles, Hindu temples, etc.

    That woman may have claimed to be a Wiccan, but did the school check her credentials to see if she was a properly initiated Wiccan? I doubt it. Let’s face it, any old person could wander in off the street and claim to be something, and if they didn’t know where to go to check their credentials (Covenant of the Goddess in the USA, Pagan Federation in the UK), then how do they know the person is genuine?

  20. fatherstephen Avatar

    The story didn’t say she was a bona fide wiccan priestess, just self-identified. But apparently had problems with St. Michael.

  21. Yvonne Avatar

    I know, just pointing out the dangers of extrapolating to all from one dodgy example 🙂 Proper Wicca has a fairly coherent philosophy; this woman was behaving inconsistently with it, which leads me to suggest she wasn’t a proper Wiccan. A proper Wiccan would have said that Wiccans honour the same being as Michael but under a different name (sometimes the same name, actually).

  22. -- Avatar

    “May all the saints in heaven pray for you. May St. Michael pray for you and guard your room. May your Holy Guardian Angel pray for you and the saint whose name you bear. And may you know the great fellowship of heaven even here on earth. They are truly with us.”

    Thank you, that was a beautiful prayer, seemingly addressing my exact state /mood right now. And the saint whose name i bear is the sweet and merciful Queen of Heaven and Earth, Theotokos, Mother of God.

    What led me to this discussion about angels was the beautiful icon of the seven Archangels –now i have one more “proof” so to speak that Orthodoxy recognizes all seven and not just the three mostly mentioned. Maybe it was actually my Guardian Angel nudging me to start an online search and arrive here?

  23. Cindy Avatar

    I was looking for a specific prayer to a Guardian Angel, for protection while driving.

  24. Hartmut Avatar

    Dear father Stephen,

    I’m a former pastor of the Lutheran Church who is now on his way to Orthodoxy. But I must confess, that until now I had some inner difficulty to pray to my Guardian Angel. After having read all what is discussed here last night I for the first time in my life spoke to him.

    You said: “According to parts of Tradition, your Guardian Angel is a creation whose task is solely “you,” i.e. he’s not just some Guardian Angel awaiting his next assignment. Not only is he yours, but in some way is a reflection of the fullness of who you are created to become. Thus, he knows in a manner most wonderful the journey your soul must take, for he knows its destination.”
    Since I know too little about the orthodox teaching about angels and particularly about the Guardian Angel – can you please help me, where in tradition I can find, what you said above?

    Thank You.

  25. fatherstephen Avatar

    The small book I would recommend is by Mother Alexandra entitled The Holy Angels. She has probably the most information gathered on angels by an Orthodox Christian that I know. Vladimir Lossy, as I recall also has some material onangels. I’ll have to look his stuff up first.

  26. Hartmut Avatar

    Thank you for your prompt answer. This small book you mention I have already ordered. I’m looking forward to read it!

  27. Marie Avatar

    Yiasou pater,i know this is a public forum,i found on internet,is it possible to talk in private.

  28. Damian Avatar


    I’m Protestant, although I’ve been reading here for a few months now, and Orthodoxy is certainly full of wisdom. I’d like to understand more on an Orthodox relationship with Saints and Angels.

    I pray to God, because He is the author of all things, or to Jesus, the second person of the Holy Trinity, because he is the Lord of this world. To me, prayer is primarily communion with God, rather than supplication for aid or for safety, although of course the latter comes into it.

    Do you pray to the Saints and Angels in the same way, or simply ask them to supplicate Christ? Why do you choose to pray to a Saint or an Angel, instead of praying to God or Christ?

    Thank you for answering my questions,


  29. fatherstephen Avatar

    Primarily prayer to a saint or angel is simply asking for supplication. For their help in our prayers, etc. It is simply part of our communion with God and the Body of Christ. I should add that Orthodox Christians do not understand or believe that such prayer is worship of any sort. Worship belongs to God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, alone. But, just as the Scriptures teach us that the saints and angels pray for us, so we call on them to pray for us – it’s just the greater communion of the whole Church.

  30. George Avatar

    Damian — I too am protestant. It finally dawned on me that (a) I ask living people who I see (like my wife) or don’t see (like you) to pray for me, (b) those who are physically dead and now with Christ are alive, and therefore (c) it’s perfectly appropriate to ask any Christian, whether physically alive or not, to pray for me. Does that make sense?

  31. Damian Avatar

    Thanks George,

    I had come to the same conclusion, but having not been exposed to Orthodox or Catholic tradition, and having only seen things such as the Catholic ‘Ave Maria’s, I wasn’t sure of the nature of the supplication.


    Thanks for answering my question. I think I’ve been convinced of prayer to Saints.

  32. Britt Avatar

    I am searching for an icon depicting a guardian angel watching over a child, protecting him/her from bad dreams. Such an icon was referenced by Mother Alexandra in her book, The Holy Angels. Any assistance anyone can provide as to where I might find such an icon would be greatly appreciated. I have searched many online websites selling icons with no success.
    Thank you so much,

  33. d Avatar

    last night it just occured to me that I can’t be so selfish to pray for my own gain. God won’t answer that prayer [I have a problem with the image of an exerior God only]. What I can pray for though is that I would fit in during my interaction with the world and that there would be harmony. I have been strugling wtih the concept of a personal God that would favour me in the detriment of a brother [another me] if I ask for it, and even in the detriment of bacteria that attack my body as bacteria andviruses are part of the creation, life forms with a desire to live. So I can ask in my prayers that we live in harmony and do not harm each other. But if I get sick, I won’t blame God, I just accept and hope that the bacteria satisfies its needs as soon as it can.

  34. chris Avatar

    im just wondering

    i was always told that no matter who you are, what you do, or if you baptized or not that your assigned a guardian angle at birth
    but after researching im starting to wonder…could someone please help me with the subject?

  35. fatherstephen Avatar

    The Orthodox actually pray that a Guardian Angel be assigned to someone being Baptized, but I believe that everyone has one, regardless. Without them, I think none of us would have ever made it to Baptism.

  36. Jane Avatar

    Archbishop Lazar at Synaxis Press has a book called The Guardian Angel, with an outline of Orthodox teaching, and “contemplations” for each day of the month:

    I started listening to Fr Stephen’s podcasts after meeting him on pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and just recently started reading the blog. Thanks be to God for both! May He keep you and your readers and listeners safe from harm.

  37. desiree Avatar

    dear father i feel lost inside ,i am not sure i ask the angels to watch over my boys everyday and i also ask the lord to watch over them as well ,about a month a go i had dream that i called the angels by there names it was almost that we were in battle it was like it was on a hill it was not bright out it was dim out ,father there is something more than we can realize i have not had that dream since i know there more for me to give i just do not know what i need some closer about this dream or what do they want me to do,i know your a busy man please email me when you can .thank you for your time father.

  38. desiree Avatar

    i think the to angels that suppose to be my angels are michael and uriel

  39. Matrona Avatar

    Hello Fr. Stephen,
    I have a situation that I would like you to give imput on! Back in 1981 my husband & myself were of a Protestant Denimation. We were following Christ in our relationship according to what spiritual knowledge that we had at that time.

    I remember the year that this event happened because my eldest son had been born. I had serious complications after his delivery & was very close to death. My husband said his farewell as they wheeled into surgery. My husbandhad been awake for nearly 30 hours because he’d come from work to take me to the hospital & been there during our son’s birth. He’s extremely tired yet is not able to sleep. He makes a phone call to my parents who are in another state & tells them of the emergency & tells them that prayers are needed. He only could reach our local pastor via answering machine. Finding himself all alone at the end of a waiting room type hallway that ended at the surgery doors, he sits there with his head in hand unable to pray because he’s in so much tormoil. He said that he became aware of the sound of a woman walking at a slow pace in shoes that made a noise when she walked. She asked him if he was troubled & it was only then that he looked at this person. He said she looked like she’d just come from church. She was a black woman with a small hat on & he carried a small purse. He told her that he was in a sad situation where his wife could die & since his son was in an incubator he possibly could sucome to problems also. The woman asked him if he knew how to pray. He told her that he did but his heart & mind were so toubled that he didn’t know what to pray. She told him to say the Lord’s Prayer. He did & when he completed the prayer he wanted to thank this kind woman, but she was gone. Now he didn’t hear her walk away as he’d heard her come (the shoes). He ran down the hall to the elevators which were around a right corner. They were not moving, no arrows lit up! That was the only way that she could have gone. Tired & not able to find this person, he returned to the couches along this waiting area. He fell asleep & was awakened by my doctor telling him that I was in the recovery room. He was unable to even relax before praying the Lord’s Prayer.

    I was in the hospital for 5 days & he related this story to me at home. I was surprised & listened in amazement of this story. When he finished it we both just looked at each other & asked, could she have been an angel?

    Is it possible that angels can take on the form of an older person. Not sickly or evil but say 60 year-old person? My husband is a rational person & not given to exaggeration or lying.

  40. Michelle Avatar

    Father, bless,

    I hope your son won’t mind if I steal his four-year-old prayer and use it in my room. “Kill it with your sword.”

  41. LoorryPiowl Avatar

    Waow enjoyed reading your article. I added your feed to my blogreader!

  42. Mary Wagner Avatar
    Mary Wagner

    Dear Father Stephen:
    I am looking for a Irish Guardian angel pray do you know of this, and if so can you e-mail me a copy, today was the first time I ever heard it, and feel that is something I need to say every day.
    Thank you
    Mary Wagner

  43. Carolyn Gorman Avatar
    Carolyn Gorman

    I so enjoyed this article because I believe that I have a Guardian Angel as I have experienced it’s presence a number of times in my life. I praise God that He has given us angels who pray for us daily. We are never alone. Glory to God, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

  44. Karl Hess Avatar
    Karl Hess


    The problem with prayer to angels and saints, from a Lutheran perspective, is this: we grant that the saints in heaven pray for us. But we have no promise from God that saints and angels hear our prayers. St. James tells us that we should pray but that “the man who doubts should not think that he will receive anything from the Lord.” Prayer must be certain. We must be able to say “Amen” to our prayers–in other words, “truth,” “this will happen.” But we cannot say Amen to anything that we have not been promised by God.

    Since we have no promise in the Word of God that the saints hear our requests for their intercession, there is no way that we can say Amen to these prayers.

    Thanks be to God, we have the certain promise that Christ intercedes for us at the Father’s right hand, and that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us according to the will of God with groanings too deep for words.

    So the issue comes down to a different understanding of revelation, at least with regard to classical protestantism’s critique of the invocation of saints and angels.

  45. Michael Bauman Avatar
    Michael Bauman

    Karl, there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in your philosophy.

  46. fatherstephen Avatar

    It’s not a point that I would argue. But the faith of the Church through the ages (the Pillar and Ground of Truth) holds that we make ask for the prayers of the saints. You have rules for knowledge of the Truth that differ from those of the Fathers. I like Luther, but he was not a Church father.

  47. nancy gale Avatar
    nancy gale

    LORD have mercy.

  48. Dumbo Gracie Avatar
    Dumbo Gracie

    Karl, if I may,

    From the perspective of earth you are quite “right”.

    You have yet the grasp the perspective of heaven (on this point at least)

    I would simply not argue the point and do what little I could to bring heaven to earth. Quietly.


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  50. deborah dyer Avatar
    deborah dyer

    Dear Father,
    Every New Year, I have a practice to make a resolution that is helpful, but practical—one that I can keep. This year my resolution is to pay more attention to my guardian angel, to increase my devotion to him. I’m an artist. I continually thank God for giving me the gift of art. More than that, I now make it a practice to pray to my angel to inspire me. I like to think that when I’m working in my studio, my angel is there with me.

    I’m a Catholic and I have the happiness in my parish to have Perpetual Adoration of Jesus in the Eucharist. When I am at adoration, I like to think that the sanctuary is crowded with myriad of angels, all praising God. When I adore Jesus in the Eucharist, I love to know that the angels—too many to count–are adoring Him also.

    May God be ever praised, in his angels and his saints.

  51. Louise Avatar

    The thought of knowing that our lives are protected by God n the higher creation has overwhelmed me at times.. How small i am but to Him i am soo special enough for me to have such power through His Angels.. I am blessed and feel somewhat invincible knowing that when i sense trouble or fear my Sovereign God sends Heaven down to defend me.. MY King,my Majesty how great you are for me to rely on you forever.. THANKYOU GOD..

  52. Courtney Avatar

    There’s definately a great deal to learn about this issue.

    I love all the points you have made.

  53. Esmee La Fleur Avatar

    You said in a comment above…

    “According to parts of Tradition, your Guardian Angel is a creation whose task is solely “you,” i.e. he’s not just some Guardian Angel awaiting his next assignment. Not only is he yours, but in some way is a reflection of the fullness of who you are created to become. Thus, he knows in a manner most wonderful the journey your soul must take, for he knows its destination.”

    That is very powerful and speaks to me in a huge way. Thank you!

  54. […] “Don’t let it eat me! Don’t let it eat me! Kill it with your sword! Kill it with your sword!” That’s a powerful prayer. (It was inspired by a real prayer by a real child.) […]

  55. Donna Marie Avatar
    Donna Marie

    Hello Father Stephan,
    I have been praying to Saint Anthony the Desert Father for lost things for many years. When I was in my 20’s I heard you could pray to Saint Anthony, but didn’t realize the person who told me was telling me about a Catholic saint. So my prayerful requests to Saint Anthony the Desert Father for lost things has been answered over and over again. I have been praying for awhile now for Saint Anthony to find those that are missing/lost and Saint Paul to break the chains of captivity to free them (keeping in mind all people, but especially those held captive in human trafficking/slavery of any form). So I guess both Saint Anthony’s are blessed to find things. Praise God! Probably because we’re all forgetful. 🙂

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