Father Piciorus Dorin Octavian, who writes the Blog Teologia Pentru Azi (see the Blogroll), posted the following article (in English, thank you). It is about our happiness.
When you have a good heart you begin to see God in yourself. Our happiness is our conscience, is a good intention towards God. For a good conscience you need to reconcile with God and with your heart. The celebration of God’s Nativity is a moment of meeting with our selfs and reconciliation with our past. My happiness is exactly this unity between God’s forgiveness and the beatitude of mercy. This happiness is experienced by the Orthodox Christians in our celebration, in this fullness of grace.
Father Piciorus Dorin Octavian.
Those words are specialy for our Father Stephen from Orthodox America.
I look forward to growing relations with Father Piciorus and the wonderful ties with Orthodox throughout the world. Fr. Piciorus would be interested to know that I have baptized three Romanian babies in the last month. There is a growing Romanian community in our area. Perhaps he should come visit!
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