Category: Orthodox Christianity

  • Depth Perception

    One of the great blessings of the human brain can be found in its ability to take two things and make them one. We have two eyes, which means they necessarily see things differently. Look at the world with one eye open and switch to the other eye. Things appear to move. Viewing the world…

  • Wake Up!

    God wants man to attend chiefly to two things: To eternity itself, and to that point of time which they call the Present. For the Present is the point at which time touches eternity. Of the present moment, and of it only, humans have an experience which [God] has of reality as a whole; in…

  • America and the Perversion of Christianity

    Many people in our modern cultures have only a vague or non-existent knowledge of history. This is especially true of Americans. The downside of such ignorance should seem obvious. Most modern Christians have very little acquaintance with Christian history – and strangely – even less with modern Christian history. Though some might be aware of…

  • An Unnecessary Existence

    In Dostoevsky’s The Demons, the character, Kirillov, is insanely fascinated with freedom. He cannot bear the fact that he did not choose his own existence. Life is a “given.” In what must be seen as a parable of the radical thought of the 19th century, Kirillov determines to kill himself, the only act of true…

  • Is This All There Is?

    It all depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is. – President Bill Clinton Surely there are some things about which everyone can agree – or not. Either something exists or it doesn’t. Or is there more to the story? In the thought of the Fathers, existence has a number of qualities. That we…

  • A Complicated Faith

    “It’s complicated.” This statement sums up much of the modern experience. I do not think the world we encounter is actually complicated – but our experience is. Simplicity is the reflection of an inner world free of conflicts and undercurrents. The truth of the modern inner-world is that it is generally pulled in many directions.…

  • God and Creation

    Conversations about “God” often discuss Him as though He were a concept, and idea that can be isolated, studied and considered. Of course, the word “God” can often be little more than a cipher for something whose meaning everyone thinks they know, but whose meaning may vary a great deal. This can especially be true…

  • The Beauty of Truth and the Existence of God

    What is the criterion of the rightness of this life? Beauty.  – Fr. Pavel Florensky It is our habit of thought to think of Truth as, more or less, a correct description or a correct statement. As such, Beauty belongs to some other realm of thought. Beauty cannot be “correct” or “incorrect.” In Orthodox thought,…

  • Memory Eternal – Fr. Jacob Myers

    My wife and I learned tonight of the sudden death of a beloved friend, Fr. Jacob Myers. Fr. Jacob was Rector of St. John the Wonderworker Orthodox Church in Atlanta, Georgia. I do not think there is anyone whom he met who could not count him as a friend. He was one of the most…

  • The Shape of Scripture and the Orthodox Faith

    I have written frequently about the Orthodox understanding of the Scriptures. I offer a quote taken from a lecture by Fr. Andrew Louth, Professor of Patristic and Byzantine Studies at Durham University, priest in the Diocese of Sourozh (Great Britain) in the Russian Orthodox Church. This passage comes from the first lecture in the series.…

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  1. Joshua, I particularly had in mind the story of the paralytic (Matthew 9:2–8). There we see that his sins are…

  2. My only issue with what is written above is: “To be forgiven is to be made whole, beginning with our…

  3. Dear Bryon, My prayers for your wellbeing and peace. I know how it feels when it seems every thing is…

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