Category: Knowledge of God
To Remember God
Abba Macarius said, “If we remember the evil that others have done to us, we shut down our ability to remember God.” There are many ways to misunderstand the Christian faith – certainly far more ways to get it wrong than to get it right. One of the deepest misunderstandings of our culture is the…
Worth the Time to Think It Through
There are many things written in theology that are difficult to understand. Certain writers, certain realities are difficult if not impossible to grasp with reason alone. I can recall spending several days with a single sentence from Met. John Zizioulas’ Being As Communion. However, after several days, “the coin dropped,” as the saying goes, and…
Careful Devotion to Christ
In writing about monasticism, I recently made mention of what I called “careful devotion to Christ.” In turn, a reader asked me to write further on “careful devotion.” In many ways the great problem of our age is the two-storey universe (which is make-believe) in which we live as religious people. We live in a…
Fr. Sophrony on Personhood
The incarnation of the Logos of the Father – Jesus Christ – furnishes a solid foundation for our knowledge of God. Actuated by love for Him, we undergo a profound transformation of our whole being. Christ’s infinite life is transmitted to us. Our spirit finds itself on opposite poles – in both the black depths…
And Now a Word from St. Isaac the Syrian
Sometimes…while prayer remains for its part, the intellect is taken away from it as if into heaven, and tears fall like fountains of waters, involuntarily soaking the whole face. All this time such a person is serene, still and filled with a wonder-filled vision. Very often he will not be allowed even to pray: this…
Augustinian Surprises
God is He Whom we know best in not knowing Him. – St. Augustine It is He about Whom we have no knowledge unless it be to know how we do not know Him. – St. Augustine Both quotes are from De ordine. Fr. Thomas Hopko is fond of saying that “We cannot know God…
Know God or No God
The task for Orthodox Christians throughout Great Lent and at all times is quite simple and straightforward: know God.
Simple Suggestions for Orthodox Study of Scripture
Saint Isaac the Syrian writes, “Very often many things are said by the Holy Scriptures and in it many names are used not in a literal sense… those who have a mind understand this” (Homily 83, p. 317). +++ The Holy Scriptures are indeed edifying for the Christian life – particularly as they are read…
St. Silouan on the Love of God
I cannot remain silent concerning the people, whom I love so greatly that I must weep for them. I cannot remain silent because my soul ever grieves for the people of God, and I pray for them with tears. I cannot refrain from making known to you, brethren, the mercy of God and the wiles…
The Peace of God – St. Silouan
The following small quotation is from the book Wisdom from Mount Athos: the Writings of Staretz Silouan 1866-1938 +++ We must always pray the Lord for peace of soul that we may the more easily fulfil the Lord’s commandments; for the Lord loves those who strive to do His will, and thus they attain profound…
David, I heard a series of talks done by Fr. Maximus on this topic at a retreat for OCA clergy.…