Category: Doctrine

  • Conversations with a Flatlander

    I have been engaged in what appears to be a useless conversation. I’m having a private email chat with an atheist/materialist who insists that there are no miracles – everything can be explained by “natural” means and that the world will be better off when everyone finally agrees this is true. He is a crusader.…

  • From the Beginning – True Authorial Intent

    I read a discussion concerning my earlier article on allegory in which someone identified himself as a writer. He stated that if a reader saw something in his writing that he had not intended, then either he or his reader had failed. His statement is an extreme example of what is called “authorial intent”: what…

  • Reading Beneath the Words

    The relationship between Old and New Testaments is much less straightforward than most people realize. A majority of Christians, particularly in our contemporary world, probably assume that their relationship is mostly historical, that the Old Testament is about things that happened before Christ while the New Testament speaks of Christ Himself and things that come…

  • Looking like Christmas

    One of the most striking features of the Gospels is the frequent response of the Disciples after the resurrection of Christ: doubt. I have always been sympathetic to the doubts and hesitations that accompanied the Disciples experience during the ministry of Christ. They are almost endearing in their inability to grasp what Christ is all…

  • The Way of Shame and the Way of Thanksgiving

    The language of “self-emptying” can have a sort of Buddhist ring. It sounds as we are referencing a move towards becoming a vessel without content – the non-self. Given our multicultural world, such a reference is understandable. It is, however, unfortunate and requires that we visit the true nature of Christian self-emptying. Our self-emptying is…

  • Modern Illusions

    A “better world” and “making a difference” are deeply embedded in our cultural consciousness. They seem to be obvious goals for the human life. My recent articles questioning this consciousness have touched a deep chord for many, some wondering that if such things are wrong, “why bother?” There are two thoughts I want to offer…

  • Brief Notes on the Kingdom – You Are Not Advancing It

    Reference was made in a recent comment to “advancing the Kingdom of God.” This is a short note with some basic theology on the Kingdom. The Kingdom of God is a Divine reality. It is the marriage of heaven and earth, of the created and the uncreated. It is the resurrection of the dead and…

  • Doing Good in a Bad World

    A bad man cannot make a good world. “Something must be done!” If there were a possible slogan for the modern world, this would be it. It’s power lies in its truth. Some things are tragic and unjust, broken and dysfunctional. Any analysis that suggested that nothing should be done will fall on deaf ears…

  • Jesus Is Not Your Imaginary Friend

    At some point in our history, we began to attribute a merely mental reality to anything that was not an object and reduced the importance of objects to what they could contribute to our mental reality. We live in a sea of psychology. Things, we believe, are only what we think they are. My “relationship” with…

  • Living in the Real World

    Nothing exists in general. If something is beautiful or good, it is manifest in a particular way at a particular time such that we can know it. And this is our true life. A life lived in a “generalized” manner is no life at all, but only a fantasy. However, this fantasy is increasingly the…

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  1. Father, I appreciate you words very much on this topic.

  2. Matthew, I would be sorry not to see you around here. However, the purpose of the blog has always been…

  3. Hello Dee. I´m not sure where to begin, and truth be told I have been thinking about leaving the blog.…

  4. Yes Father, Indeed there were extenuating circumstances and context that point to how and why these events happened. I appreciate…

  5. Dee, There are any number of sad chapters in Orthodox history (as there are sad chapters everywhere). It is very…

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