Category: Conversion

  • For Want of a Nail

    Abba Zosimas would pick up small objects such as a nail, a short thread, and other valueless castoffs. He would ask, “Would you fight or argue over this? That would be insanity. Anyone who is making progress in God can think of the entire world as this nail, no matter how much of the world…

  • A Single Moment and Paradise

    During Holy Week, one of my favorite hymns in the Church is the Wise Thief (the Exapostelarion of Holy Friday). It recalls the thief, crucified on Christ’s right hand, who repents and finds paradise “in a single moment.” It demonstrates the fullness of God’s love who would take the repentance of a single moment and…

  • The Truth of Ourselves

    Abba Poemen believed that the only time you could observe a person’s true character was when that person was tempted. From the Sayings of the Desert Fathers There is obvious wisdom in the saying about Abba Poemen: it is not our strengths that best define us, but our weaknesses. In our culture, where virtual reality…

  • Is a Relationship with God What We Want?

    An excellent question was raised in the comments of my previous post – the question being about the nature of relationship. It is commonplace in our modern parlance to speak of a “personal relationship” which is either redundant, or a way of weakening the true meaning of “personal.” I suspect that the modern meaning of…

  • The Depths of the Personal

    I have written on modern distortions of “personal relationship” in which “private” relationship is one of its corrupted meanings. I have also noted that, properly understood, “personal” always carries a meaning of “corporate” as well. To be in personal relationship with Christ necessarily means that I am in relationship with His Body, the Church. There…

  • Is Hell Real?

    On one of the roads leading into my small city a billboard has recently appeared. It is part of a larger campaign by a nationally known evangelist who is to have a revival in Knoxville. The sign is simple. In very large bright yellow letters (all caps), the sign says: HELL IS REAL. In small…

  • “Learning” to Sin

    I wrote this more than a year ago. As I go through Great Lent, particularly as it is marked with successive Saturdays (“Soul Saturdays”) in which we pray for the departed, these thoughts become increasingly relevant. I repost them here for that reason.  As strange as it sounds – human beings have to “learn to sin.”…

  • What Makes the World Go ‘Round?

    It is a popular theme in music to suggest various possibilities for “what makes the world go ’round.” I know of two immediately: music and love. Both are wonderful sentiments but not very useful to me as answers. I have asked the question in this way to yet again bring our thoughts to the nature…

  • The Walking Wounded

    The more years I serve as a priest, the more aware I become of the “walking wounded.” I do not mean a special category of person by this, but simply a description of who we are as we walk through whatever journey we take. I reflect on this particularly because I can remember not always…

  • The Holy Cross of Christ

    In writing about our union with Christ I offered the following as the response some time ago to a question. It seemed to me, worth a posting of its own, though it be short. I have, however, added a few thoughts to it. This Sunday marks the Sunday of the Cross in the Orthodox journey of…

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  1. Thanks so much Mark, Nathan and Fr. Stephen. You have all made good arguments. I have a lot to think…

  2. Matthew, There’s a difference between “the Church says it is so,” and the Church repeating, “It is said…” And the…

  3. I don’t want to answer for Father, but it’s hard for me to refrain from this conversation. 🙂 I love…

  4. Matthew, Just to address your to current question (I found Father Stephen’s previous reply about historicity both thorough and clear)……

  5. So you are O.K., Fr. Stephen, with three kings who were eventually named and then baptized by St. Thomas into…

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