This interview is with my Archbishop, whom I have come to love and enjoy. His own story is quite interesting. A descendant of Prince Golitzin (one of the Russian royal families) and a child of the Church, his studies at Oxford in Patristics brought him up against a wall of questions and doubts. His doctoral work was on Dionysius the Areopagite. He said in a conversation with me that the press of patristic studies brought him to the point of saying, “What’s all this got to do with Jesus?”
He left Oxford to do studies in Thessaloniki and from there spent time at the monastery of Simonopetra on Mt. Athos where Elder Aimilianos was Abbot. As he relates in this video, it was in the person and life of Elder Aimilianos and his community that the answers to his questions came. He lived at Simonopetra while he completed his dissertation and was tonsured a monk by Aimilianos. He has gone on to become one of the leading scholars in contemporary Orthodoxy, with a profound sense of how the Tradition is rightly lived.
You will need to click on the link within the video post to take you to Youtube where the video may be watched. It is worth the time.
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