Having posted several times about my son’s wedding last weekend (how could I not?), it seemed only right to post a photo of the young couple (James and Anna). I asked one of my extremely talented, artistic children who had all of the photos in digital form to send me a few wedding pictures this week so that I could share them – but strangely – none of the pictures were of the bride and groom together. Having arrived home a little earlier this evening – I have now acquired a photo for sharing. I know that our earthly marriages are only an image of the union between Christ and His Church – but it would be hard to imagine greater joy than I saw in this young couple last Sunday. Again, I thank so many of you for your prayers and your many well wishes. We are very pleased – to say the least.
Fr. Stephen, I would suggest that in the passage mentioned above, St. Symeon could be referencing the fact that God…
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